Assessment For Promotion of
- KRS 247.6901 Purpose
- KRS 247.6904 Definitions For Krs 247.6901 to 247.6957
- KRS 247.6907 Activity Not Deemed Restraint of Trade
- KRS 247.6911 Referendum Among Producers of Ovine Or Caprine Animals On Levying Assessment In Public Interest
- KRS 247.6914 Application For Assessment Referendum
- KRS 247.6917 Certified Association Authorized to Hold Referendum
- KRS 247.6921 Referendum On Statewide Basis
- KRS 247.6924 Supervision of Referendum By Commissioner - Expenses
- KRS 247.6927 Commissioner to Determine Date and Other Details of Referendum
- KRS 247.6931 Rules of Referendum Prescribed By Commissioner - Notice - Limit of Assessment
- KRS 247.6934 Ballots - Canvass and Declaration of Result
- KRS 247.6937 Effect of Affirmative Vote
- KRS 247.6941 Notice of Deduction Required - Disposition of Collections - Records
- KRS 247.6944 Kentucky Sheep and Goat Council
- KRS 247.6947 Use of Assessment Funds
- KRS 247.6951 Refunds
- KRS 247.6954 Annual Review of Program - Termination
- KRS 247.6957 Injunction Against Violations