Boards of Elections
- KRS 117.015 State Board of Elections - Powers, Duties, Membership
- KRS 117.020 Declaration By State Board of County's Status As a Preclearance County
- KRS 117.022 Judicial Declaration of Existence of Election Crisis - Effect
- KRS 117.025 Executive Director and Assistant - Staff - Powers and Duties
- KRS 117.027 State Board to Promulgate Record-Keeping Requirements
- KRS 117.030 Announcements and Signs Regarding Importance of Voting - Notice of Illegal Acts, Penalties, and Right to Report Administrative Errors At Polling Places
- KRS 117.035 County Board of Elections - Membership - Appointed Members - Meetings - Staff
- KRS 117.040 Repealed
- KRS 117.045 Precinct Election Officers - Alternate and Emergency Appointments - Minors Permitted to Serve As Election Officers
- KRS 117.050 Repealed
- KRS 117.055 Division of County Into Precincts - Maps - Failure of Board to Perform Duty - Coordination of Precinct Boundary Changes With Other Boundaries
- KRS 117.0551 Boundaries of Precincts
- KRS 117.0552 Procedure For Establishing Precincts
- KRS 117.0553 Review and Approval of Precinct Establishment Order - Resubmission of Returned Orders
- KRS 117.0554 Request For Exemption - Procedure
- KRS 117.0555 Hearing On Returned Order Believed By County Board to Be In Compliance
- KRS 117.0556 Information to Be Supplied to Legislative Research Commission - Opportunity For Comment
- KRS 117.0557 Schedule of Actions For Compliance With Krs 117.055 and 117.0551
- KRS 117.056 Maintenance of Boundaries of Election Precincts
- KRS 117.057 Repealed
- KRS 117.058 Legislative Approval For Certain Boundary Changes
- KRS 117.060 Repealed
- KRS 117.065 Establishing Voting Places For Precincts - Change - Expense - Authority to Designate As Voting Places Buildings Constructed With Tax Revenues - Voter Accessibility - Immediate Telephone Accessibility
- KRS 117.066 Ability of Precinct With Small Number of Voters to Use Voting Facilities and Election Officers of Larger Precinct
- KRS 117.070 Repealed