Burley Tobacco
- KRS 247.710 Promotion of Burley Tobacco and Burley Tobacco Products
- KRS 247.715 Definitions For Krs 247.710 to 247.785
- KRS 247.720 Association of Producers Not Illegal
- KRS 247.725 Producers May By Referendum Impose Assessment On Products
- KRS 247.730 Application By Association For Assessment - Forms
- KRS 247.735 Certified Association May Hold Referendum - Scope
- KRS 247.740 Referendum On Area Or Statewide Basis - Who May Participate
- KRS 247.745 Commissioner to Supervise Referendum - Expenses
- KRS 247.750 Commissioner of Agriculture to Determine Polling Places, Details of Assessment Limits
- KRS 247.755 Rules Governing Holding of Referendum Prescribed By Commissioner - Notice - Limit On Assessment
- KRS 247.760 Preparation of Question - Poll Holders - Canvass and Declaration of Results
- KRS 247.765 Affirmative Vote - Effect
- KRS 247.770 Notification to Warehousemen, Manufacturers and Dealers of Assessment - Remittance of Assessment
- KRS 247.775 Refunds
- KRS 247.780 Annual Review of Program - Referendum Required, When - Termination
- KRS 247.785 Injunction Against Violations