Chapter 121. Campaign Finance Regulation
- KRS 121.005 Legislative Findings On Electronic Storage and Retrieval of Campaign Finance Information
- KRS 121.010 Repealed
- KRS 121.015 Definitions For Chapter
- KRS 121.020 Repealed
- KRS 121.025 Corporate Contributions to Candidates Prohibited
- KRS 121.030 Repealed
- KRS 121.035 Corporate Contributions to Aid Candidates For Public Office Prohibited - Aid to Support a Constitutional Amendment Or a Public Issue Permitted
- KRS 121.040 Repealed
- KRS 121.045 Contributions to Certain Candidates Or Slates of Candidates By Individuals Prohibited
- KRS 121.050 Repealed
- KRS 121.055 Candidates Prohibited From Making Expenditure, Loan, Promise, Agreement Or Contract As to Action When Elected, In Consideration For Vote
- KRS 121.056 Restrictions Upon Specified Campaign Contributors
- KRS 121.060 Repealed
- KRS 121.065 Limitation of Political Advertising Rates - Injunction
- KRS 121.070 Repealed
- Registry of Election Finance
- Prohibitions
- Penalties