Chapter 159. Compulsory Attendance
- KRS 159.010 Parent Or Custodian to Send Child to School - Age Limits For Compulsory Attendance - Local Board of Education May Adopt Policy Extending Compulsory Attendance Requirements to Age 18 - All Local Boards to Extend Age Limit Upon Adoption of Policy By 55 Percent of School Districts - Notification and Counseling Prior to Withdrawal - Encouragement to Reenroll After Withdrawal
- KRS 159.020 Transferring Child From One District to Another
- KRS 159.030 Exemptions From Compulsory Attendance
- KRS 159.035 Participation In 4-H Activities to Be Considered Attendance - Excused Absence For Educational Enhancement - Appeal of Denial of Excused Absence - Exception For Testing Periods - Excused Absences For Deployment and Return Days of Parent Or Guardian On Active Duty - Excused Absence to Visit Parent Or Guardian On R and R
- KRS 159.040 Attendance At Private and Parochial Schools
- KRS 159.050 Repealed
- KRS 159.051 Loss of License Or Permit By Student For Dropping Out of School Or For Academic Deficiency
- KRS 159.060 Repealed
- KRS 159.070 Attendance Districts - Enrollment Permitted In School Nearest Home
- KRS 159.080 Director of Pupil Personnel and Assistants
- KRS 159.090 Directors of Pupil Personnel For United Districts
- KRS 159.100 Repealed
- KRS 159.110 Repealed
- KRS 159.120 Repealed
- KRS 159.130 Powers of Directors of Pupil Personnel
- KRS 159.140 Duties of Director of Pupil Personnel Or Assistant
- KRS 159.150 Definitions of Truant and Habitual Truant - Attendance Record Requirements - Adoption of Truancy Policies By Local School Boards - Implementation of Early Intervention and Prevention Programs
- KRS 159.160 Attendance Reports to Superintendent
- KRS 159.170 Withdrawals and Transfers - Teachers to Investigate and Report - Collection and Dissemination of Student Records
- KRS 159.180 Parents Responsible For Children's Violations
- KRS 159.190 Repealed
- KRS 159.200 Repealed
- KRS 159.210 Repealed
- KRS 159.220 Repealed
- KRS 159.230 Repealed
- KRS 159.240 Repealed
- KRS 159.250 Nature of Census
- KRS 159.260 Repealed
- KRS 159.270 False Report of Census Prohibited
- Penalties