Chapter 164a. Higher Education Finance
- KRS 164A.010 Findings - Determinations - Intent
- KRS 164A.011 Plans For Organization and Operation of Corporation and of Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority - Code of Ethics
- KRS 164A.020 Definitions
- KRS 164A.030 Corporation Is De Jure Municipal Corporation and Political Subdivision
- KRS 164A.040 Purpose
- KRS 164A.050 Kentucky Higher Education Student Loan Corporation - Establishment - Organization - Terms - Duties - Removal - Expenses - Relationship With Other Educational Entities
- KRS 164A.055 Asset Resolution Corporation - Purpose - Powers - Compensation
- KRS 164A.060 Powers of Corporation
- KRS 164A.065 Powers of Corporation As to Supplemental Student Loans
- KRS 164A.070 Status of Obligations Issued By Corporation
- KRS 164A.080 Bond Issue - Amount - Interest - Use of Proceeds - Approval of General Assembly Required For Certain Bond Or Note Issuances - Exception
- KRS 164A.090 Trust Agreements Authorized
- KRS 164A.100 Pledge of Assets Or Revenues of Corporation
- KRS 164A.110 All Moneys Received Deemed Trust Funds
- KRS 164A.120 Rights of Holders of Obligations
- KRS 164A.130 Obligations Issued Under Chapter Are Negotiable Instruments
- KRS 164A.140 Public Agencies, Political Subdivisions and Others May Invest In the Securities Issued By the Corporation
- KRS 164A.150 Issuance of Refunding Obligations
- KRS 164A.160 Reserve Or Replacement Funds
- KRS 164A.170 Annual Report and Audit
- KRS 164A.180 Exemption From Personal Liability
- KRS 164A.190 Acceptance of and Expenditure of Moneys Received From General Assembly
- KRS 164A.200 Corporation Exempt From Taxation - Interest On Bonds Issued By Corporation May Be Subject to Federal Income Taxation
- KRS 164A.210 Conflicts of Interest
- KRS 164A.220 Chapter Deemed Supplemental to Other Laws
- KRS 164A.230 Dissolution of Corporation
- KRS 164A.240 "Eligible Borrower" Defined - Additional Student Loans Permitted - Garnishment - Administrative Regulations - Bonds to Finance Loans - Maximum Annual Loan Amount
- KRS 164A.250 Student Loan Forgiveness Program For Graduates In Energy-Related Fields
- Kentucky Educational Savings Plan Trust
- Financial Management of Institutions of Higher Education
- Commonwealth Postsecondary Education Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund
- Mining and Minerals Trust Fund