Farm Bureaus
- KRS 247.240 County Farm Bureaus Authorized
- KRS 247.250 Articles of Incorporation
- KRS 247.251 Existing Bureaus Not Required to Reincorporate
- KRS 247.260 No Recording Fee - No Salary For Officers
- KRS 247.270 Treasurer
- KRS 247.280 President and Treasurer to File Report
- KRS 247.290 Repealed
- KRS 247.300 Fiscal Court to Appropriate Money For Bureau, When - Limit On Amount - Additional Appropriation For Agricultural Extension Work
- KRS 247.310 Expenditure of County Appropriations
- KRS 247.320 Expenditure of Dues
- KRS 247.330 State Federation of Farm Bureaus
- KRS 247.340 Incorporation, Powers, Directors of Federation - Existing Federation
- KRS 247.350 Organization and Function of State Federation
- KRS 247.360 Directors May Provide For Officers' Bonds and Reports
- KRS 247.370 Eligibility For Membership In Federation - Powers of Federation