Methods of Voting
- KRS 117.105 Purchase Or Lease of Voting Machines
- KRS 117.110 Repealed
- KRS 117.115 Power to Select Make of Machine
- KRS 117.120 Repealed
- KRS 117.125 Specifications and Features Required For Approval
- KRS 117.130 Repealed
- KRS 117.135 Custody of Machines
- KRS 117.140 Repealed
- KRS 117.145 Preparation of Ballot Labels, Absentee Ballots and Supplemental Paper Ballots - Provision For Write-In Votes
- KRS 117.150 Repealed
- KRS 117.155 Arrangement of Ballot Labels - Preparation of Machines - Record
- KRS 117.160 Repealed
- KRS 117.165 Examination of Machines By County Board - Approval - Delivery of Election Supplies to Precinct
- KRS 117.170 Repealed
- KRS 117.175 Instruction Cards
- KRS 117.180 Repealed
- KRS 117.185 Repealed
- KRS 117.187 Training Regarding Election Laws For State and County Officials - Training and Compensation For Election Officers and Training For Certified Challengers
- KRS 117.190 Repealed
- KRS 117.195 Delivery of Machines to Precincts - Arrangement In Voting Place - Delivery of Supplemental Paper Ballots, Voting Booths, Supplies, and Ballot Box to Each Precinct - County Clerk to Take Receipt and Retain Keys to Ballot Box
- KRS 117.200 Repealed
- KRS 117.205 Examination By Election Officers - Correction of Defects - Reserve Voting Machine
- KRS 117.210 Repealed
- KRS 117.215 Procedure When Machine Becomes Unusable During Election - Counting of Votes - Backup Voting Machine Or Supplemental Paper Ballots For Emergency Use
- KRS 117.220 Repealed
- KRS 117.225 Voter's Signature - Use of Original Registration Forms to Compare Signature - Voting Supplemental Paper Ballot
- KRS 117.227 Confirmation of Voter's Identity
- KRS 117.230 Repealed
- KRS 117.235 Persons Permitted In Voting Room - Prohibited Activities - Exit Polls Permitted - Maintenance of Order - Mock Elections For School Children
- KRS 117.236 Prohibition Against Recording Identity of Voters - Exception, State-Approved Signature Roster
- KRS 117.237 Request For Department of Kentucky State Police to Patrol Voting Precinct During Polling Hours and Investigate Reported Violations - Reports to Prosecutors
- KRS 117.240 Repealed
- KRS 117.245 Procedure When Voter's Right to Vote Disputed
- KRS 117.250 Repealed
- KRS 117.255 Instruction of Voters - Assistance and Certification of Voters Requiring Assistance - Manner of Voting - Report of Violations
- KRS 117.260 Repealed
- KRS 117.265 Write-In Votes - Requirements - Persons Ineligible to Be Write-In Candidate - Certified Lists of Qualified Candidates
- KRS 117.270 Repealed
- KRS 117.275 Counting and Certification of Votes - Return of Keys and Machines - Return of Ballot Box, Ballot Stubs, Spoiled, and Unvoted Ballots - Authorized Representatives and News Media Representatives to Witness Vote Count
- KRS 117.280 Repealed
- KRS 117.285 Repealed
- KRS 117.290 Repealed
- KRS 117.295 Period Machines to Remain Locked - Custody of Keys
- KRS 117.300 Repealed
- KRS 117.305 Recanvass of Votes - Test of Machines - Candidates and Representatives of Political Parties and News Media to Observe Recanvass - Forms For Reporting Recanvassed Vote - Administrative Regulations For Recanvass Procedures
- KRS 117.310 Repealed