Railroad Crossings
- KRS 177.110 Railroad Crossings - Construction of Krs 177.120 to 177.210
- KRS 177.120 Department May Order Elimination of Grade Crossings Or Substitution - Standards to Be Set By Administrative Regulations - Closure of Grade Crossings
- KRS 177.130 Hearing - Order - Plans, Specifications, and Estimates of Cost
- KRS 177.140 Railroad Company to Present Plans and Estimates of Cost
- KRS 177.150 Final Hearing - Notice - Final Order - Waiver of Proceedings - Appeal
- KRS 177.160 Rejection of Bids - Department May Do Work
- KRS 177.170 Division of Costs - Payment
- KRS 177.180 Highway Engineer to Approve Contracts
- KRS 177.190 Appeal By Railroad Company to Circuit Court
- KRS 177.200 Appeal to Court of Appeals
- KRS 177.210 Department May Bring Action to Enforce Order