Turnpike Projects
- KRS 177.390 Definitions For Krs 177.390 to 177.570
- KRS 177.400 Turnpike Projects Authorized
- KRS 177.410 General Powers of Department of Highways As to Turnpike Projects
- KRS 177.420 Acquisition of Property - Condemnation - Possession - Special Provisions For Condemning Railroad Property
- KRS 177.430 Grade Separations - Relocation Or Vacation of Existing Highway - Rights of Access - Regulations As to Public Utility Facilities On Or Along Turnpike Project
- KRS 177.440 Limited Access to Turnpikes
- KRS 177.450 Turnpike Revenue Bonds
- KRS 177.460 Trust Agreement to Secure Bonds - Rights and Remedies of Bondholders
- KRS 177.470 Bonds Not Debt of Commonwealth
- KRS 177.480 Tolls For Use of Turnpike - Contracts For Utility and Service Facilities - Disposition of Toll Revenues - Maintenance of Turnpike By Department of Highways
- KRS 177.490 Trust Funds
- KRS 177.500 Remedies of Bondholders
- KRS 177.510 Turnpike Properties and Bonds Exempt From Taxation
- KRS 177.520 Turnpike Bonds Valid For Purposes of Investment Or Collateral
- KRS 177.530 Maintenance of Turnpike - Restoration of Private Property - Donation of Property By County Or City - Annual Report of Turnpike Activities - Audits - Personnel of Department of Highways Not to Have Interest In Project - Penalty For Failure to Pay Toll - Lien On Vehicle
- KRS 177.540 Refunding Bonds - Additional Bonds
- KRS 177.550 Transfer of Turnpike to Highway System After Retirement of Bonds
- KRS 177.560 Preliminary Expenses of Turnpike Project
- KRS 177.570 Turnpike Law Is Alternative