2020 Extraordinary Session 2 (Louisiana Session Laws)
- Act 39, SB 50 – CAPITAL OUTLAY: Provides relative to the capital outlay process
- Act 32, SB 15 – SCHOOLS: Requires first-day health insurance coverage for employees of public elementary and secondary school systems under certain circumstances
- Act 4, HB 1 – JUVENILES: Provides relative to parole eligibility for certain juvenile offenders
- Act 52, SB 30 – SCHOOLS: Provides regarding purchase of telecommunications and video equipment by certain educational entities
Act 12, HB 10 – PROPERTY/PUBLIC: Authorizes the transfer of certain state property in Jackson Parish
AN ACT To authorize and provide for the transfer of certain state property in Jackson Parish; to provide for the property description; to provide for reservation of mineral rights; to provide terms and conditions; to repeal Sections 3 and 6 of Act No. 272 of the 2019 Regular Session of the Legislature of Louisiana; to provide an effective date; and to provide for related matters
- Act 25, HB 75 – AGRICULTURE/FOREST COMR: Provides relative to the disposition of timber severance taxes
Act 15, HB 24 – CAPITAL OUTLAY: Provides relative to the capital outlay budget
AN ACT To appropriate funds from certain sources in specific amounts for the making of supplemental appropriations to the capital outlay budget for Fiscal Year 2020-2021; to provide for an effective date; and to provide for related matters
- Act 24, HB 74 – TELECOMMUNICATIONS: Creates the state office of broadband
- Act 23, HB 69 – WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT: Creates the "Louisiana Agricultural Workforce Development Program"
- Act 59, SB 62 – TAX/AD VALOREM: Provides for the refundable portion of the inventory tax credit for certain manufacturers impacted by the 2020 emergencies and disasters
- Act 60, SB 72 – TAX/INCOME/CORPORATE: Authorizes an income tax credit for certain businesses whose operations were interrupted as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Act 55, SB 49 – PORTS/HARBORS/TERMINALS: Provides for the issuance of bonds by the Louisiana International Deep Water Gulf Transfer Terminal Authority
- Act 5, HB 2 – CRIMINAL/RECORDS: Provides relative to the availability of certain criminal justice system data to certain nonprofit entities
- Act 6, HB 12 – PARDON/PAROLE: Provides relative to meetings of the Board of Pardons and the committee on parole
- Act 49, HB 96 – Provides relative to sharing of student information for the purpose of administering the pandemic electronic benefits transfer (P-EBT) program
- Act 47, HB 80 – STUDENT/ASSESSMENT: Provides relative to the use of student assessment results for the 2020-2021 school year with respect to school and district accountability, teacher evaluation, and student promotion
- Act 11, HB 59 – ELECTIONS: Authorizes the payment of additional compensation to certain election officials for elections held within a certain period following a gubernatorially declared emergency
- Act 35, SB 27 – HEALTH CARE: Provides relative to the practice of medicine
- Act 3, SB 33 – CORPORATIONS: Provides for revisions to the Business Corporation Act relative to virtual shareholder meetings and mergers
- Act 58, SB 56 – HEALTH/ACC INSURANCE: Provides relative to health maintenance organizations
- Act 57, SB 53 – EMPLOYMENT: Provides for the rehiring of nonlicensed persons by certain health care providers required to temporarily close during a public health emergency
- Act 41, SB 67 – ECONOMIC DEVELOP DEPT: Authorizes the Department of Economic Development to provide an extension for certain job creation requirements for enterprise zone incentives and quality jobs incentive rebates due to the impacts of COVID-19, Hurricane Laura, and Hurricane Delta
- Act 42, SB 69 – EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS: Provides relative to emergency service plans of certain providers
- Act 7, HB 14 – GAMBLING/VIDEO POKER: Provides relative to the criteria and amenity requirements for qualified truck stops during a declared emergency
- Act 51, SB 7 – PORTS/HARBORS/TERMINALS: Provides relative to the Louisiana International Deep Water Gulf Transfer Terminal Authority
- Act 29, SB 5 – PORTS/HARBORS/TERMINALS: Authorizes Plaquemines Port, Harbor and Terminal District to apply for designation as a foreign trade zone
- Act 40, SB 55 – UNEMPLOYMENT COMP: Provides for the unemployment insurance procedure to be applied by the administrator for calendar year 2021
- Act 19, HB 48 – HIGHER EDUCATION: Requires that student identification cards issued by certain postsecondary education institutions meet certain requirements
- Act 2, SB 17 – ENGINEERS: Provides relative to the Louisiana Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board
Act 45, HB 39 – APPROPRIATIONS/SUPPLEML: Makes supplemental appropriations for Fiscal Year 2020-2021
AN ACT To appropriate funds and to make certain reductions from certain sources to be allocated to designated agencies and purposes in specific amounts for the making of supplemental appropriations and reductions for the agencies and purposes for Fiscal Year 2020-2021; to provide for an effective date; and to provide for related matters