Division 6. Appointments By the Court Or Agreement of the Parties
Chapter 1. Court-appointed Temporary Judges
- Rule 2.810. Temporary Judges Appointed By the Trial Courts
- Rule 2.811. Court Appointment of Temporary Judges
- Rule 2.812. Requirements For Court Appointment of an Attorney to Serve As a Temporary Judge
- Rule 2.813. Contents of Training Programs
- Rule 2.814. Appointment of Temporary Judge
- Rule 2.815. Continuing Education
- Rule 2.816. Stipulation to Court-appointed Temporary Judge
- Rule 2.817. Disclosures to the Parties
- Rule 2.818. Disqualifications and Limitations
- Rule 2.819. Continuing Duty to Disclose and Disqualify
Chapter 2. Temporary Judges Requested By the Parties
- Rule 2.830. Teimporary Judges Requested By the Parties
- Rule 2.831. Temporary Judge , Stipulation, Order, Oath, Assignment, Disclosure, and Disqualification
- Rule 2.832. Compensation
- Rule 2.833. Documents and Exhibits
- Rule 2.834. Open Proceedings; Notices of Proceedings, Use of Court Facilities, and Order For Hearing Site
- Rule 2.835. Motions Or Applications to Be Heard By the Court
Chapter 3. Referees [reserved]
Chapter 4. Language Access