2011 Edition
- Rule 1. Scope, Application and General Purpose
- Rule 2. Terminology
- Rule 3. Juvenile Jurisdiction
- Rule 4. Venue
- Rule 5. Appointment of Counsel
- Rule 6. Taking a Juvenile Into Custody
- Rule 7. Informing Juvenile of Charges and Rights
- Rule 8. Petitions
- Rule 9. Service
- Rule 10. Attendance At Hearings and Confidentiality
- Rule 11. Release Under Bond Conditions For Delinquency and Status Offenses
- Rule 12. Detention and Alternative Placements In Delinquency Cases
- Rule 13. Pre-adjudicatory Detention Factors For Delinquency Offenses
- Rule 14. Pre-adjudicatory Placement Factors For Status Offenses
- Rule 15. Domestic Violence Emergency Protective Orders As Juvenile Petitions
- Rule 16. Review of Detention
- Rule 17. Admission At Initial Appearances
- Rule 18. Preliminary Hearings
- Rule 19. Improvement Periods
- Rule 20. Transfer to Criminal Jurisdiction
- Rule 21. Discovery
- Rule 22. Subpoenas
- Rule 23. Severance
- Rule 24. Pre-adjudication Motions
- Rule 25. Pre-adjudication Conferences
- Rule 26. Pre-adjudicatory Competency Evaluations
- Rule 27. Commencement of Adjudication
- Rule 28. Adjudication By Admission
- Rule 29. Jury At Adjudication
- Rule 30. Contested Adjudicatory Hearing
- Rule 31. Evidence
- Rule 32. Standard of Proof
- Rule 33. Adjudication Findings
- Rule 34. Dispositional Hearing
- Rule 35. Multi-disciplinary Treatment Teams
- Rule 36. Recommendations of the Multi-disciplinary Treatment Team
- Rule 37. Case Plan
- Rule 38. Disposition--status Offenses
- Rule 39. Delinquency Disposition
- Rule 40. Investigations and Evaluations
- Rule 41. Mental Health Disposition
- Rule 42. Permanency Hearings
- Rule 43. Judicial Review
- Rule 44. Termination of Parental Rights
- Rule 45. After-care Planning
- Rule 46. After-care Review
- Rule 47. Probation Violations
- Rule 48. Search Warrants
- Rule 49. Confidentiality of Juvenile Records
- Rule 50. Sealing Juvenile Records
- Rule 51. Development of Life Skills Curriculum and Transitional Plan