Chapter 23. Development and Control of Atomic Energy
- Subchapter I. General Provisions
- Subchapter II. Organization
- Subchapter III. Research
- Subchapter IV. Production of Special Nuclear Material
- Subchapter V. Special Nuclear Material
- Subchapter VI. Source Material
- Subchapter VII. Byproduct Materials
- Subchapter VIII. Military Application of Atomic Energy
- Subchapter IX. Atomic Energy Licenses
- Subchapter X. International Activities
- Subchapter XI. Control of Information
- Subchapter XII. Patents and Inventions
- Subchapter XIII. General Authority of Commission
- Subchapter XIV. Compensation For Private Property Acquired
- Subchapter XV. Judicial Review and Administrative Procedure
- Subchapter XVI. Joint Committee On Atomic Energy
- Subchapter XVII. Enforcement of Chapter
- Subchapter XVII-A. Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
- Subchapter XVIII. Euratom Cooperation
- Subchapter XIX. Remedial Action and Uranium Revitalization
- Subchapter I. General Provisions
- Subchapter II. Establishment, Powers, and Organization of Corporation
- Subchapter III. Rights, Privileges, and Assets of Corporation
- Subchapter IV. Privatization of Corporation
- Subchapter V. Avlis and Alternative Technologies For Uranium Enrichment
- Subchapter VI. Licensing and Regulation of Uranium Enrichment Facilities
- Subchapter VII. Decontamination and Decommissioning
- Subchapter VIII. United States Enrichment Corporation Privatization