Title 3. The President
Chapter 1. Presidential Elections and Vacancies
- § 1. Time of Appointing Electors
- § 2. Failure to Make Choice On Prescribed Day
- § 3. Number of Electors
- § 4. Vacancies In Electoral College
- § 5. Determination of Controversy As to Appointment of Electors
- § 6. Credentials of Electors; Transmission to Archivist of the United States and to Congress; Public Inspection
- § 7. Meeting and Vote of Electors
- § 8. Manner of Voting
- § 9. Certificates of Votes For President and Vice President
- § 10. Sealing and Endorsing Certificates
- § 11. Disposition of Certificates
- § 12. Failure of Certificates of Electors to Reach President of the Senate Or Archivist of the United States; Demand On State For Certificate
- § 13. Same; Demand On District Judge For Certificate
- § 14. Forfeiture For Messenger's Neglect of Duty
- § 15. Counting Electoral Votes In Congress
- § 16. Same; Seats For Officers and Members of Two Houses In Joint Meeting
- § 17. Same; Limit of Debate In Each House
- § 18. Same; Parliamentary Procedure At Joint Meeting
- § 19. Vacancy In Offices of Both President and Vice President; Officers Eligible to Act
- § 20. Resignation Or Refusal of Office
- § 21. Definitions
Chapter 2. Office and Compensation of President
- § 101. Commencement of Term of Office
- § 102. Compensation of the President
- § 103. Traveling Expenses
- § 104. Salary of the Vice President
- § 105. Assistance and Services For the President
- § 106. Assistance and Services For the Vice President
- § 107. Domestic Policy Staff and Office of Administration; Personnel
- § 108. Assistance to the President For Unanticipated Needs
- § 109. Public Property In and Belonging to the Executive Residence At the White House
- § 110. Furniture For the Executive Residence At the White House
- § 111. Expense Allowance of Vice President
- § 112. Detail of Employees of Executive Departments
- § 113. Personnel Report
- § 114. General Pay Limitation
- § 115. Veterans' Preference
Chapter 3. Protection of the President; United States Secret Service Uniformed Division
- § 201. Repealed
- § 202. United States Secret Service Uniformed Division; Establishment, Control, and Supervision; Privileges, Powers, and Duties
- § 203. Personnel, Appointment, and Vacancies
- § 204. Grades, Salaries, and Transfers of Appointees
- § 205. Repealed
- § 206. Privileges of Civil-Service Appointees
- § 207. Participation In Police and Firemen's Relief Fund
- § 208. Reimbursement of State and Local Governments
- § 209. Appropriation to Carry Out Provisions
Chapter 4. Delegation of Functions
Chapter 5. Extension of Certain Rights and Protections to Presidential Offices