061819 RIEO, ETH 2019-01

Case DateJune 18, 2019
CourtRhode Island
ETH 2019-01
Ethics Advisory Panel Op. 2019-01
Rhode Island Ethics Opinion
Rhode Island Supreme Court
June 18, 2019
          FINAL          FACTS          The inquiring attorney, whose law office has relocated, proposes to walk around his/her law office neighborhood to introduce himself/herself to owners and operators of local businesses for the purpose of soliciting their legal business. He/she plans to leave a letter written on his office stationery with the businesses when he visits. He/she has submitted a copy of the letter to the Panel. In the letter the inquiring attorney introduces himself/herself, states his/her involvement with the community, and lists areas of his/her law practice. The inquiring attorney asks whether the proposal is permissible under the Rules of Professional Conduct.          ISSUE PRESENTED          May a lawyer make in-person contact with business owners and operators in his law office neighborhood to solicit professional employment?          OPINION          Yes. Rule 7.3, which prohibits in-person contact with prospective clients for solicitation of professional employment, contains an exception for business organizations.          REASONING          Rule 7.3(a) of the Rules of Professional Conduct which prohibits in-person solicitation of prospective clients, contains an exception for businesses. The Rule states in pertinent part as follows:
Rule 7.3. Direct contact with prospective clients. (a) A lawyer shall not by in-person, live telephone or real-time electronic contact solicit professional employment from a

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