110118 NYEO, ETH 1156

Case DateNovember 01, 2018
CourtNew York
ETH 1156
Opinion 1156
New York Ethics Opinion
New York State Bar Association Committee on Professional Ethics
November 1, 2018
         Topic: Securing fee obligation with mortgage against divorce client’s property          Digest: For a lawyer to take a mortgage against a client’s property to secure a fee in a divorce matter, the lawyer must comply with all the requirements of Rules 1.5(d)(5) and 1.8(a), including approval by the court.          Rules: 1.0(f) & (g); 1.5(a) & (d)(5), 1.8(a)          FACTS          1. The inquirer represents a client in a domestic relations matter that resulted in a judgment of divorce. The inquirer’s legal services for the client are almost complete, although the representation continues. The client owes the inquirer legal fees for the services provided to date.          2. The client is not readily able to make timely payment of the fees owed to the inquirer. The client is sole owner of a house in New York State which the client intends to sell as soon as possible, a transaction consistent with the client’s rights under the divorce judgment. The client has requested that the inquirer defer payment of the outstanding legal fees until the client sells the house, with the fees to be paid from the sale proceeds.          3. Discussions between the client and the inquirer have led to a tentative understanding, which the inquirer would like to incorporate into a written agreement, to be signed by both parties as a revision of the original retainer agreement. The proposed revision would provide: (1) that the inquirer would accept a specified amount – significantly less than the amount currently owed – in full payment of the fee obligation; (2) that the inquirer would take a mortgage against the house in the amount of the reduced fees; and (3), recognizing that the client may not be able to sell the house immediately, the inquirer would charge no interest on the fee balance for approximately seven months, after which interest at a low rate would start to accrue.          QUESTION          4. In a divorce matter in which there is a judgment, may an attorney and a client, without court approval, amend the retainer agreement to give the attorney a mortgage against property of the client in order to secure the client’s obligation to pay accrued legal fees in that matter?          OPINION          5. Legal fees are always subject to certain general provisions...

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