Release number 202433000 of 2024-08-16

Date16 August 2024
Record Number202433000
UILC Number6110.00-00
Publication 1078
Issue: 08/16/2024
Requested After
November 1, 1976
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
The index is arranged by Code section with various
identifying subheadings. Each ruling, technical advice
memorandum, and Chief Counsel advice issued under
Code section 6110 is assigned a 9-digit reference number
which appears after the heading to which the ruling refers.
This number also appears on the ruling, technical advice
memorandum, or Chief Counsel advice itself and is to be
used when requesting copies of individual rulings,
technical advice memoranda, or Chief Counsel advice.
The index will be cumulated on a weekly basis. A new
index will be initiated each year.
Each ruling, technical advice memorandum, or Chief
Counsel advice contained in this publication is directed
only to the taxpayer who requested it or with respect to
whom it is issued. Section 6110(k)(3) of the Internal
Revenue Code provides that letter rulings, technical advice
memorandums, and Chief Counsel advice may not be
used or cited as precedent.
Any person having questions about this publication or
about section 6110 of the Code should contact the Chief,
Disclosure and Litigation Support Branch,
CC:PA:LPD:DLS, Room 5201, 1111 Constitution Avenue
N.W., Washington, DC 20224; (202) 317-6840.
54 0000 201326001
168 3600 201646001
2010 0400 201612004 201701001
408A 0000 201204027
4191 0000 201520006
7803 0201 201520008
9100 3500 201612004 201701001
9411 0500 201520004
Section 1 Tax Imposed 1.00-00
• Joint Returns and Surviving Spouses 1.02-00
• Unearned Income of Minor Children 1.10-00
• Maximum Capital Gains Rate 1.11-00
Section 2 Definitions and Special Rules 2.00-00
• Certain Married Individuals Living Apart 2.03-00
Section 23 Credit for Adoption Expenses 23.00-00
• Qualified Adoption Expenses - In General 23.01-00
• Domestic Re-Adoption After Final Foreign Adoption 23.01-03
Section 25 Interest on Certain Home Mortgages (Credit for) 25.00-00
201931001 202140013
Section 25A Hope and Lifetime Learning Credits 25A.00-00
Section 32 (Former Section 43 Redesignated Section 32) Earned Income Credit 32.00-00
Section 34 Certain Users of Gasoline and Special Fuels 34.00-00
Section 38 General Business Credit 38.00-00
201310001 201548006 201640010
Section 39 Carryback and Carryforward of Unused Credits 39.00-00
Section 40 Alcohol Used as Fuel 40.00-00
Section 41 Credit for Increasing Research Activities 41.00-00
201423023 201650012 201718011 202327015 202416013
Section 42 Low-Income Housing Credit 42.00-00
201206002 201218006 201223005 201243011 201311007 201324014 201338010
201352009 201429005 201431001 201436046 201441002 201444013 201451018
201501005 201505037 201516061 201518011 201527017 201535003 201539020
201552012 201606018 201606021 201606022 201606023 201606026 201616007
201724005 201742020 201813005 201832002 202015016 202033001 202050013
202144014 202144015 202202002 202236002 202244012 202251006 202313005
202343031 202346007 202350013 202409014 202431002 202432002
• Qualified Basis 42.03-00
• Responsibilities of Housing Credit Agencies 42.13-00
• Qualified Allocation Plan 42.13-01
• Secretary's Authority to Provide Regulations 42.14-00
• Correction of Administrative Errors and Omissions 42.14-01
201237013 201342003

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