Quinn v. Doug's Fireplace Sales, Inc., 042415 IDWC, IC 2008-037924

Case DateApril 24, 2015
ERIN QUINN, Claimant,
No. IC 2008-037924
Idaho Workers Compensation
Before the Industrial Commission of the State of Idaho
April 24, 2015
          ORDER DENYING RECONSIDERATION           R.D. Maynard, Chairman          This matter is before the Commission on Claimant's Motion for Reconsideration of Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order, timely filed January 12, 2015 requesting reconsideration of the Industrial Commission's Decision filed December 24, 2014, in the above referenced case. Defendant timely filed a Response on January 23, 2015. Claimant filed his Reply on February 4, 2015, three days after the filing deadline established in JRPP Rule 3(G).          There is no dispute that Claimant suffered an accident at work on November 24, 2008, when he fell approximately nine feet and landed on his back. At hearing, Claimant alleged his entitlement to additional medical benefits for treatment following his industrial injury, disability in excess of impairment benefits, permanent partial impairment benefits, permanent partial disability benefits, and an award of attorney fees for Defendant's unreasonable denial of those benefits. Defendant Doug's Fireplace contended no responsibility for further benefits, as Claimant was at MMI and no longer needed treatment.          The Idaho Industrial Commission's Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, Recommendation and Order and Erratum filed December 29, 2014 ("Decision") found that Claimant has proven Defendant's liability for past and future medical benefits for facet radiofrequency ablation as recommended by Dr. Hope; Claimant has proven Defendant's liability for routine follow-up x-rays at 3, 6, and 12 months post-cervical fusion as recommended by Dr. Blair; Claimant has not proven Defendant's liability for any other past or future medical treatment, including lumbar surgery; Claimant has not proven Defendant's liability for any past or future psychological treatment benefits; Claimant has proven he sustained permanent partial impairment of 23% of the whole person due to his industrial accident; Claimant has...

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