ABM, 010620 NYWC, G2256749

Case DateJanuary 06, 2020
CourtNew York
ABM, Employer
No. G2256749
New York Workers Compensation
January 6, 2020
          Date of Accident: 07/17/2018          District Office: NYC          Carrier: Indemnity Ins. of N America, Carrier ID No.: W112502, Carrier Case No.: C375C757448X           Claimant's Attorney: Bangel Cohen & Falconetti           Panel: Clarissa M. Rodriguez          MANDATORY FULL BOARD REVIEW FULL BOARD MEMORANDUM OF DECISION          The Full Board, at its meeting on December 17, 2019, considered the above captioned case for Mandatory Full Board Review of the Board Panel Memorandum of Decision filed May 3, 2019.          ISSUE          The issue presented for Mandatory Full Board Review is whether the claimant sustained an accident in the course of her employment.          The Workers' Compensation Law Judge (WCLJ) found that the claimant, who was injured while across the street from her employer's premise while on a break, was not in the course of her employment at the time of her accident and disallowed the claim.          The Board Panel majority affirmed the WCLJ.          The dissenting Board Panel member would find that the claimant remained in the course of her employment when the accident occurred and would establish the claim for injuries to the neck and back.          The claimant filed an application for Mandatory Full Board Review on June 3, 2019, arguing that her break was more like a coffee break than a lunch break, and that she remained in the course of her employment at the time of the accident.          The carrier filed a rebuttal on July 3, 2019, arguing that the record supports the finding that claimant's accident occurred during her off-premises lunch break and was, therefore, not compensable.          Upon review, the Full Board votes to adopt the following findings and conclusions.          FACTS          Claimant filed a C-3 (Employee Claim) on August 14, 2018, alleging that on July 17, 2018, while working as an office cleaner, she slipped and fell on a sidewalk outside of a pizza shop...

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