Ala. Code § 22-56-7 (1975) Abuse, Exploitation, Neglect - Providers to Implement Written Policies and Procedures

LibraryAlabama Statutes
CurrencyCurrent with legislation from the 2023 Regular and Special Sessions.
CitationAla. Code § 22-56-7 (1975)

All providers of mental health services in Alabama shall develop and implement written policies and procedures that prohibit abuse, exploitation, or neglect of consumers in programs operated by the providers. At a minimum, these policies and procedures shall accomplish the following:

(1) Affirm and safeguard the rights of a consumer stated pursuant to this chapter.

(2) Ensure that prompt action is taken to prevent the potential of further abuse while an investigation is in process.

(3) Provide for an immediate and thorough investigation of all allegations of abuse, exploitation, or neglect by trained, experienced personnel delegated with all necessary authority. The status of all investigations shall be reported to the administrator(s) of the program or his or her designated representative on a continuous basis.

(4) Establish reasonable and appropriate corrective action, including education, training, and punishment for any program-affiliated individual who has been found responsible for abuse, exploitation, or neglect of consumers. All criminal violations shall be reported to the Office of the Attorney General, State of Alabama, or the local district attorney for consideration of further legal action.

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