Ca. Health and Saf. Code § 39011 "Agricultural Burning" Defined

LibraryCalifornia Codes
Edition2023 Edition
CurrencyCurrent through the 2023 Legislative Session.
CitationCa. Health and Saf. Code § 39011

"Agricultural burning" means open outdoor fires used in any of the following:

(a) Agricultural operations in the growing of crops or raising of fowl or animals, or open outdoor fires used in forest management, range improvement, or the improvement of land for wildlife and game habitat, or disease or pest prevention.

(b) The operation or maintenance of a system for the delivery of water for the purposes specified in subdivision (a).

(c) Wildland vegetation management burning.

(1) For purposes of this subdivision, wildland vegetation management burning is the use of prescribed burning conducted by a public agency, or through a cooperative agreement or contract involving a public agency, to burn land predominantly covered with chaparral, trees, grass, or standing brush.

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