48 U.S.C. § 2142 Approval of Budgets

LibraryUnited States Statutes
CurrencyCurrent through P.L. 118-34 (published on www.congress.gov on 12/26/2023), except for [P. L. 118-31]
Citation48 U.S.C. § 2142

(a) Reasonable schedule for development of Budgets

As soon as practicable after all of the members and the Chair have been appointed to the Oversight Board in the fiscal year in which the Oversight Board is established, and in each fiscal year thereafter during which the Oversight Board is in operation, the Oversight Board shall deliver a notice to the Governor and the Legislature providing a schedule for developing, submitting, approving, and certifying Budgets for a period of fiscal years as determined by the Oversight Board in its sole discretion but in any case a period of not less than one fiscal year following the fiscal year in which the notice is delivered. The notice may also set forth a schedule for revisions to Budgets that have already been certified, which revisions must be subject to subsequent approval and certification by the Oversight Board. The Oversight Board shall consult with the Governor and the Legislature in establishing a schedule, but the Oversight Board shall retain sole discretion to set or, by delivery of a subsequent notice to the Governor and the Legislature, change the dates of such schedule as it deems appropriate and reasonably feasible.

(b) Revenue forecast

The Oversight Board shall submit to the Governor and Legislature a forecast of revenues for the period covered by the Budgets by the time specified in the notice delivered under subsection (a), for use by the Governor in developing the Budget under subsection (c).

(c) Budgets developed by Governor

(1) Governor's proposed budgets

The Governor shall submit to the Oversight Board proposed Budgets by the time specified in the notice delivered under subsection (a). In consultation with the Governor in accordance with the process specified in the notice delivered under subsection (a), the Oversight Board shall determine in its sole discretion whether each proposed Budget is compliant with the applicable Fiscal Plan and-

(A) if a proposed Budget is a compliant budget, the Oversight Board shall-

(i) approve the Budget; and

(ii) if the Budget is a Territory Budget, submit the Territory Budget to the Legislature; or

(B) if the Oversight Board determines that the Budget is not a compliant budget, the Oversight Board shall provide to the Governor-

(i) a notice of violation that includes a description of any necessary corrective action; and

(ii) an opportunity to correct the violation in accordance with paragraph (2).

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