Beighle, 081619 KYAGO, AGO OAG 19-13

Case DateAugust 16, 2019
Dale Beighle, Chairman
AGO OAG 19-13
No. OAG 19-013
Kentucky Attorney General Opinion
Commonwealth of Kentucky Office of The Attorney General
August 16, 2019
         Subject: Whether an ambulance service district may provide ambulance services to residents of another ambulance service district.          Requested by: Dale Beighle, Chairman Pendleton County Ambulance Taxing District          Written by: Taylor Payne, Assistant Attorney General          Syllabus: An ambulance service district may not provide ambulance services to residents of another ambulance service district.          Statutes construed: KRS 108.090; KRS 108.100; KRS 108.110; KRS 108.140; KRS 75.050          OAGs cited: OAG 83-470           OPINION OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL          Dale Beighle, Pendleton County Ambulance Taxing District Chairman, requests an opinion of this office as to whether an ambulance service district may provide ambulance services to residents of another ambulance service district. We advise that an ambulance service district may not provide ambulance services to residents of another ambulance service district.          Kentucky Revised Statute 108.090 authorizes the establishment of "an emergency ambulance service district for the purpose of financing and administering emergency ambulance services for the residents of the district . . . ." Kentucky Revised Statute 108.100 permits the imposition of a special ad valorem tax to "not exceed ten cents ($0.10) on each one hundred dollars ($100) of the assessed valuation of all property in the district."          An emergency ambulance service district is operated by a board of directors that "shall provide ambulance service to inhabitants of the district. . . ." KRS 108.110; KRS 108.140. In doing so, the board has the authority to "[c]ontract with private persons, partnerships, or corporations for providing ambulance service to residents of the district . . . ." KRS 108.140(9). It also may "[a]dopt rules and regulations necessary to effectively and efficiently provide emergency ambulance service for the district[.]" KRS 108.140(3). ...

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