Bonnet, 110117 INAGO, AGO 2017-6

Case DateNovember 01, 2017
Jerold A. Bonnet, General
AGO 2017-6
Official Opinion 2017-6
Indiana Attorney General Opinions
November 1, 2017
         Jerold A. Bonnet, General Counsel          Office of the Indiana Secretary of State          200 W. Washington Street          Indianapolis, Indiana 46204          RE: Lucrative Office Holder Inquiry          Dear Mr. Bonnet:          QUESTION PRESENTED          You recently asked, in your capacity as General Counsel to the Indiana Secretary of State, whether a member of the Motor Vehicle Sales Advisory Board ("MVSAB"), as established at Indiana Code § 9-32-10 et seq., holds a lucrative office under Art. 2, § 9 of the Indiana Constitution.          BRIEF ANSWER          A member of the MVSAB does not hold a "lucrative office" for dual office-holding purposes even though such Board member receives reimbursement for expenses and a per diem. A position on the MVSAB is not an "office," as the position is advisory in nature and does not involve the exercise of sovereign powers of the state.          ANALYSIS          The Indiana Constitution states in pertinent part: "No person holding a lucrative office or appointment under the United States or under this State . . . may hold more than one lucrative office at the same time, except as expressly permitted in this Constitution."1 This prohibition was adopted by the framers of the Constitution to prevent the consolidation of power in a small number of government officials.2          Office vs. Employment          An "office" is "a position for which the duties include the performance of some sovereign power for the public's benefit, are continuing, and are created by law instead of contract."3 An officer is appointed or elected, and the duration of an officer's position is typically defined by statute. However, an office is not the same thing as mere employment, for which there is no Constitutional prohibition. With "employment" an individual works "under [a] contract of hire, express or implied, oral or written, where the employer has the power or right to control and direct the employee in the material details of how the work is to be performed."4 An employee has no sovereign power of the state entrusted to him.5 An employee's compensation is generally agreed upon by the contract of hiring.6 Finally, "[t]he most important characteristic which may be said to distinguish an office from an employment is that the duties of the incumbent of an office must involve an exercise of some portion of the sovereign power."7          What is lucrative?          Some type of compensation or payment is generally required for an office to be considered lucrative. Under Art. 2, § 9, a "lucrative office" is an "office to which there is attached a compensation for services rendered."8 Lucrativeness is not dependent on the amount of compensation received.9 Compensation may be in the form of a salary or a per diem. The officer may choose not to accept the compensation, but as long as he or she is entitled to the compensation, the office is considered lucrative.10          Is there a legislative exemption?          In some cases where both positions are considered to be lucrative offices, one of the positions may have been specifically exempted by statute from the lucrative office restriction.11The legislature has exempted a long list of state board members.12          Motor Vehicle Sales Advisory Board          As you detailed in your request, the MVSAB was created by the General Assembly in 2013 to advise the Secretary of State in the administration of Title 9, Article 32 of the Indiana Code, which pertains to the licensing of motor vehicle manufacturers, distributors, and dealers.[13]The Secretary of State's recommendation is appointed by the governor for a three-year term.14MVSAB members are entitled to a per diem as determined by State...

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