Burrett v. Windridge Implements, LLC, 020320 IAWC, 5061046

Case DateFebruary 03, 2020
TECHNOLOGY INSURANCE COMPANY, Insurance Carrier, Defendants.
No. 5061046
Iowa Workers Compensation
Before the Iowa Workers' Compensation Commissioner
February 3, 2020
         Head Note Nos: 1402.40; 1804; 2502; 3002; 4000.2; 5-9999           APPEAL DECISION           JOSEPH S. CORTESE, II WORKERS' COMPENSATION COMMISSIONER          Defendants Windridge Implements, L.L.C., employer, and Technology Insurance Company, its insurance carrier, appeal from an arbitration decision filed on November 30, 2018, and an order nunc pro tune filed on January 14, 2019. Claimant Wayne Burrett responds to the appeal. The case was heard on August 30, 2018, and it was considered fully submitted in front of the deputy workers' compensation commissioner on September 28, 2018.          In the arbitration decision, the deputy commissioner found claimant carried his burden of proof to establish he is permanently and totally disabled as a result of the stipulated January 27, 2016, work-related injury. The deputy commissioner found claimant's correct weekly benefit rate is $542.51. The deputy commissioner found that pursuant to Iowa Code section 85.39, claimant is entitled to reimbursement from defendants for the cost of the independent medical examination (IME) of claimant performed by Farid Manshadi, M.D., on June 8, 2018. The deputy commissioner determined claimant carried his burden to prove his entitlement to penalty benefits in the amount of $2,040.93 based on defendants' underpayment and late payment of benefits. Lastly, the deputy commissioner ordered defendants to pay a portion of claimant's costs of the arbitration proceeding.          In the order nunc pro tune, the deputy commissioner corrected his rate calculation to reflect the appropriate No. of weeks considered in calculating claimant's average weekly wage. The rate was corrected to $509.98 per week. The deputy commissioner adjusted penalty benefits accordingly to $1,886.27.          Defendants assert on appeal that the deputy commissioner erred in finding claimant sustained permanent total disability as a result of the work...

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