Carney v. Shiwers, Inc., 022420 IAWC, 5051675

Case DateFebruary 24, 2020
RON CARNEY, Claimant
SHIWERS, INC., Employer,
No. 5051675
Iowa Workers Compensation
Before the Iowa Workers' Compensation Commissioner
February 24, 2020
         Head Notes: 1402.40; 1803; 2502; 2701; 3002; 3202; 5-9998           APPEAL DECISION           JOSEPH S. CORTESE, II WORKERS' COMPENSATION COMMISSIONER          Claimant Ron Carney appeals from an arbitration decision filed on December 14, 2018. Defendants Shivvers, Inc., employer, and its insurer, Argent-West Bend Mutual Insurance Company, cross-appeal. Defendant Second Injury Fund of Iowa (the Fund), responds to the appeal. The case was heard on October 23, 2017, and it was considered fully submitted in front of the deputy workers' compensation commissioner on November 17, 2017.          The deputy commissioner found claimant carried his burden of proof to establish he sustained permanent disability as a result of the stipulated work-related injury which arose out of and in the course of claimant's employment with defendant-employer on September 23, 2013. The deputy commissioner found that as a result of the work injury, claimant sustained scheduled member functional disability of six percent of his left lower extremity, which entitles claimant to receive 13.2 weeks of permanent partial disability benefits commencing on May 21, 2014. The deputy commissioner found claimant's correct weekly benefit rate for the work injury is $312.15. The deputy commissioner found claimant failed to carry his burden of proof to establish he sustained a first qualifying injury on either August 17, 1990, or on November 11, 2002, with the result that the deputy commissioner found claimant is not entitled to receive benefits from the Fund. The deputy commissioner found claimant is entitled to receive alternate medical care in the form of ongoing treatment for the work injury by Randy Metzger, DPM. The deputy commissioner found claimant is entitled to receive reimbursement from defendants employer and insurer in the amount $1,947.00 for the cost of the independent medical evaluation (IME) of claimant performed by Sunil...

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