DC Register Vol 63, No 31, July 22, 2016 Pages 9609 to 9812

JurisdictionDistrict of Columbia
LibraryDistrict of Columbia Register
Published date22 July 2016
VOL. 63 NO. 31 JULY 22, 2016
D.C. Council passes Resolution 21-570, Advisory Referendum on
the State of New Columbia Admission Act Resolution of 2016
D.C. Council passes Resolution 21-578, Fiscal Year 2016 Revised
Budget Request Adjustment Extension Emergency Declaration
Resolution of 2016
Department of Behavioral Health solicits applications from
business entities or individuals seeking licensure for a Mental
Health Community Residence Facility
Department of Energy and Environment establishes standards for
the District’s Paint Stewardship Program
Department of Small and Local Business Development announces
funding availability for the revised DC Clean Team Program
D.C. Water and Sewer Authority approves increase in rates for
Water and Sewer Services
Office of the Secretary publishes notice of notarial fee increase
District of Columbia