Esser, 032919 WIWC, 2014-013424

Case DateMarch 29, 2019
Claim No. 2014-013424
Wisconsin Workers Compensation
State of Wisconsin Labor and Industry Review Commission
March 29, 2019
Dated And Mailed:
          Attorney Douglas J. Phebus           Assistant Attorney General Peter S. Rank           Worker’s Compensation Decision 1           David B. Falstad, Chairperson          Order          The commission affirms the decision of the administrative law judge (ALJ) subject to the modifications set forth below. Accordingly, the application is dismissed.          Modifications          In the third full paragraph on page 3 of the ALJ's decision, substitute "Dr. Claudiu Gherlan" for "Dr. Claudiu Gheram." In the 5th sentence of this same paragraph, delete the word "any."          In the first and fourth sentences of the second full paragraph on page 4 of the ALJ's decision, substitute "Dr. Gherlan" for "Dr. Gerham."          By the Commission:           Georgia E. Maxwell, Commissioner, Michael H. Gillick, Commissioner          Procedural Posture          On January 12, 2017, the applicant submitted a hearing application claiming 40 percent permanent partial disability to his whole body, which he alleged to be attributable to a work injury occurring while he was employed with the employer on May 20, 2014. On January 18, 2018, an ALJ for the Department of Administration, Division of Hearings and Appeals, Office of Worker's Compensation Hearings, held a hearing in the matter. On July 27, 2018, the ALJ issued a decision that dismissed the applicant's claim. The applicant filed a timely petition for commission review. The commission established a briefing schedule and a brief was submitted by the respondent employer, but no brief was submitted by the applicant.          The commission has considered the petition and the positions of the parties, and reviewed the evidence submitted at the hearing. The commission agrees with the decision of the ALJ, as modified, and adopts the findings and...

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