Glausser v. Second Injury Fund of Iowa, 021220 IAWC, 5065874

Case DateFebruary 12, 2020
No. 5065874
Iowa Workers Compensation
Before the Iowa Workers' Compensation Commissioner
February 12, 2020
         Head Note Nos: 1108.50; 1402.40; 1803; 3202; 3203; 5-9998           APPEAL DECISION           JOSEPH S. CORTESE II WORKERS' COMPENSATION COMMISSIONER          Defendant Second Injury Fund of Iowa (the Fund) appeals from an arbitration decision filed on October 23, 2018. Claimant David Glausser cross-appeals. The case was heard on August 30, 2018, and it was considered fully submitted in front of the deputy workers' compensation commissioner on September 24, 2018.          The deputy commissioner found claimant carried his burden of proof to establish he sustained a first qualifying injury to his right lower extremity on October 9, 1990, and a second qualifying work-related injury to his left lower extremity on December 16, 2014, for the purpose of receiving benefits from the Fund. The deputy commissioner found that as a result of the two injuries taken together, claimant sustained 45 percent industrial disability, which entitles claimant to receive 141.4 weeks of permanent partial disability (PPD) benefits from the Fund after the Fund receives the appropriate credits totaling 83.6 weeks for the qualifying injuries. The deputy commissioner found the Fund is entitled to receive a credit of 19.8 weeks for the first qualifying injury, and the deputy commissioner found the Fund is entitled to receive a credit of 63.8 weeks for the second qualifying work injury, for a total credit 83.6 weeks. The deputy commissioner found the Fund is not entitled to receive an additional requested credit of 17.6 weeks for permanent disfigurement of claimant's left lower extremity caused by the work injury. The deputy commissioner found that pursuant to Iowa Code section 85.66, claimant's costs of the arbitration proceeding cannot be taxed against the Fund.          The Fund asserts on appeal that the deputy commissioner erred in finding claimant sustained a first qualifying injury and in awarding claimant industrial disability benefits to be paid by the Fund. In the alternative, the Fund...

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