Harris v. CRST Expedited, Inc., 010920 IAWC, 5051280

Case DateJanuary 09, 2020
AIG INSURANCE COMPANY, Insurance Carrier, Defendants.
No. 5051280
Iowa Workers Compensation
Before the Iowa Workers' Compensation Commissioner
January 9, 2020
          ATTORNEY FEE DECISION           JOSEPH L. WALSH, DEPUTY WORKERS’ COMPENSATION COMMISSIONER          STATEMENT OF THE CASE          This is a contested case proceeding brought by Martin Ozga, attorney of Jeremy Harris, against Erik Luthens, a former attorney who represented Mr. Harris, to resolve a dispute over attorneys’ fees between both of these attorneys arising from a claim for Iowa workers’ compensation benefits by Jeremy Harris against CRST Expedited, Inc., employer, and its insurer, AIG Insurance Company, for an alleged work injury on July 3, 2014.          Prior to hearing, attorney for CRST Expedited filed a Motion for Summary Judgment. While the Motion for Summary Judgment was denied, the parties agreed and I ruled that the employer and insurance carrier are not involved in this attorney fee dispute and were not required to appear for hearing. On September 6, 2018, a hearing was held on this attorney fee dispute.          Oral testimony was received at hearing from both attorneys. The claimant did not participate. The record in this matter is voluminous. Attorney Luthens submitted Exhibits AA through KK. Attorney Ozga submitted Exhibits 1 through 43. Attorney Luthens sought to submit records of various communications with the claimant which were excluded. Administrative notice was taken of the agency file. Following hearing, Attorney Ozga retired from the practice of law and a partner, Jason Neifert filed an appearance.          The parties in interest, Jeremy Harris, Martin Ozga and Erik Luthens will be referred to in this decision by their last names.          ISSUE          Reasonable apportionment of attorney fees under Iowa Code section 86.39 (2017).          FINDINGS OF FACT          Harris suffered an injury to his low back and right knee on July 3, 2014, in a serious trucking accident. Claimant was a passenger in a truck which was rolled by his co-driver. Defendants provided treatment to Harris. Eric Loney filed a petition on behalf of Harris and hearing was set. Prior to hearing, the case was voluntarily dismissed and then refiled in January 2016. Loney withdrew from the case in March 2016, and Luthens subsequently appeared in the same month.          Luthens and Harris entered into a one-third contingent fee contract for attorney fees. (Luthens Exhibit A-A) The contract specified that if Harris terminated Luthens:
Client agrees to pay Office a fee based on the fair and reasonable value of the services performed by the Office before termination at the greater of: (1) Office’s time involved billed at the rate of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per hour; or, (2) contingency fee of the last settlement offer at applicable percentage identified in paragraph 1 herein: “FEE (contingent).”
(Luthens Ex. A-A, p. 3)          Hearing was then set for April 12, 2017. The matter proceeded, although Harris did not reach maximum medical improvement (MMI) and was still in an active healing period during this time. In reality, Luthens could perform very little meaningful work during this period of time because the case was not ripe. On March 13, 2017, Luthens moved to continue the hearing because Harris was not at MMI. The motion was granted and the parties were instructed to appear before the deputy commissioner for a prehearing status conference in July 2017. On June 7, 2018, Harris terminated...

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