Hughes, 032818 ARWC, G704974

Case DateMarch 28, 2018
No. G704974
Arkansas Workers Compensation
Before the Arkansas Workers’ Compensation Commission
March 28, 2018
         Hearing before Administrative Law Judge James D. Kennedy on the 27th day of February, 2018 in Batesville, Arkansas.           Claimant is represented by M. Keith Wren, Attorney at Law, Little Rock, Arkansas.           Respondents are represented by Karen H. McKinney, Attorney at Law, Little Rock, Arkansas.           JAMES D. KENNEDY, Administrative Law Judge.          STATEMENT OF THE CASE          A hearing was conducted on the 27th day of February, 2018, to determine the issues of compensability, medical, and attorney fees. A pre-hearing conference was conducted on the 29th day of November, 2017, and a Pre-Hearing Order was filed on said date. A copy of the Pre-Hearing Order was marked “Commission Exhibit 1" and made a part of the record without objection. It was stipulated that the Arkansas Workers’ Compensation Commission has jurisdiction of the within claim and that an employer/employee relationship existed on June 29th, 2017, the date of injury. The respondent’s contended that the claimant did not suffer a compensable injury, and further, if the injury is found to be compensable, the need for treatment did not arise out of and in the course of employment.          The claimant’s and respondent’s contentions are set out in their responses to the Pre-hearing questionnaire and made a part of the record without objection. The claimant, Steven R. Hughes, testified along with Jason Moore and Christine Hadley. From a review of the record as a whole, to include medical reports and other matters properly before the Commission, and having had an opportunity to hear the testimony of the witness and to observe their demeanor, the following findings of fact and conclusions of law are made in accordance with Ark. Code Ann. §11-9-704.          FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW          1. The Arkansas Workers’ Compensation Commission has jurisdiction over this claim.          2. The stipulations agreed to by the parties are hereby accepted as fact.          3. The claimant has failed to satisfy the burden of proof to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the claim is compensable. That all other issues are moot.          REVIEW OF TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE          The claimant, Steven R. Hughes, testified that he was employed by Peyton Chevrolet on June 29, 2017, and that he worked their a little over two years. He had started in the maintenance and janitorial department and had moved up to the parts department, where he was working on June 29, 2017. He testified that he was doing his daily duties of stocking parts that had come in over night and he was in the process of placing a box on the top shelf when he felt his arm pop. The boxes could weigh as little as a light bulb for a car or up to 50 or 60 pounds. Claimant stated that the box he was lifting at the time of injury may have weighed a pound. Claimant went ahead putting up parts after he felt his shoulder pop, and he then reported it to his supervisor, Daniel Richie, approximately ten minutes later. They then went to the office where they filled out paperwork.          A question was asked about the claimant working at the Quitman Catfish Barn, and the claimant admitted that he had worked there around the time of the injury but that he was not sure when he was hired. In any case, after filling out the paperwork, the claimant stated that he was sent for medical treatment with Doctor Biwins, the company doctor located in Heber Springs. Doctor Biwins examined the claimant and ordered an MRI which was provided the next day. After the MRI, the claimant was sent to Doctor Wallace and later to Doctor Reynolds in Little Rock and at this time the claim was denied. Claimant testified that he continued to work at the Catfish Barn as a host, even after the injury and the job did not require any lifting.          Claimant admitted that he had also worked as the service director for Vista Properties in a job where he answered the phone, showed properties, and addressed maintenance issues by contacting whoever needed to take care of the issue. The claimant testified that he did not sustain any injuries while working for the catfish restaurant or the property management company. He also testified that his shoulder had been painful since the date of the incident.          Under cross examination, the claimant admitted to an injury to his left shoulder in 2016, while throwing trash in the dumpster while employed by the respondent. Claimant also agreed that there were no witnesses to that incident and that he had surgery, and was paid while off of work. He also admitted that he had stated during his deposition that in his property management job, he did repair some minor problems like fixing a backed up toilet or changing a light bulb. Claimant also admitted that on occasion an emergency would come up in his property management job and he would have to take off of work from the respondent. Claimant also admitted that he did...

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