In re City of Newburgh, 112117 NYWC, G1202663

Case DateNovember 21, 2017
CourtNew York
City of Newburgh, Employer
No. G1202663
New York Workers Compensation
November 21, 2017
          Date of Accident: 12/09/2014          Issue: Voluntary removal: labor market attachment          District Office: Albany          Carrier: NY Municipal WC Alliance, Carrier ID No.: W848139, Carrier Case No.: CNEW-021-14           Claimant's Attorney: Ouimette Goldstein & Andrews LLP           Panel: Clarissa M. Rodriguez           MANDATORY FULL BOARD REVIEW FULL BOARD MEMORANDUM OF DECISION          The Full Board, at its meeting on October 17, 2017, considered the above captioned case for Mandatory Full Board Review of the Board Panel Memorandum of Decision filed February 8, 2017.          ISSUE          The issue presented for Mandatory Full Board Review is whether the claimant was attached to the labor market as of September 26, 2016.          The Workers' Compensation Law Judge (WCLJ) found that the claimant was not attached to the labor market because he did not perform his own work search and instead delegated this responsibility to his family in a manner that was more than merely seeking assistance from relatives.          The Board Panel majority affirmed the WCLJ decision.          The dissenting Board Panel member would find that the claimant was attached to the labor market, and would reverse the WCLJ's findings.          The claimant filed an application for Mandatory Full Board Review on March 6, 2017, arguing that he performed a sufficient work search, and the fact that the claimant needed help to perform it is not relevant. The carrier's rebuttal asserts that the Board Panel majority correctly determined that the claimant did not perform a meaningful, diligent and persistent search for work.          The carrier filed a rebuttal on March 28, 2017, asserting that the Board Panel majority correctly determined that the claimant did not perform a meaningful, diligent and persistent search for work.          Upon review, the Full Board votes to adopt the following findings and conclusions.          FACTS          Claimant, a sanitation worker, was injured on December 9, 2014, when he slipped and fell on ice. This claim is established for...

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