In re Claim of McCarty, 031121 COWC, 5-131-093-001

Case DateMarch 11, 2021
TARGET CORPORATION, Self-Insured Employer Respondent.
W.C. No. 5-131-093-001
Colorado Workers Compensation
Industrial Claim Appeals Office
March 11, 2021
          WITHERS SEIDMAN RICE MUELLER GOODBODY PC, Attn: SEAN E P GOODBODY ESQ, (For Claimant) POLLART MILLER LLC, Attn: ERIC J POLLART ESQ, C/O: MICHELLE L PRINCE ESQ, (For Respondents)          FINAL ORDER          The claimant seeks review of an order of Administrative Law Judge Sidanycz (ALJ) dated October 27, 2020, that denied the claim for benefits. We affirm the ALJ’s order.          The claimant worked for the employer in the style section of its department store. On February 14, 2020, the claimant entered a hallway in the store that had just been mopped. She slipped and fell. The claimant complained of resulting pain in her right ankle, right knee, her right side, and to her head.          The claimant had experienced several injuries previously while working for the employer. On February 20 2015, she injured her right knee. A January 7, 2016, injury involved her neck, arms, and low back. While treating for these two accidents, the claimant reported pain and symptoms in her right hip, gluteal region, the right side of the face and jaw, the neck, upper back, mid back, low back buttocks left leg, right leg, right knee, right arm, left wrist and right ankle. Most recently, the claimant had treated with her primary care physician, Dr. Green, on February 19, 2018, and reported pain in her right hip, knee and ankle. The pain occurred with sitting, standing, and laying down. The claimant stated she suffered a work injury on July 26, 2018, when she slipped from a chair to the floor landing on her right hip and hitting her head. Following a hearing, the compensability of the July 26 claim was denied in a January 14, 2020 order. On January 27, 2020, the claimant complained to Dr. Green in regard to pain in her right ankle stemming, the doctor said, from a workers’ compensation injury.          Pertinent to the February 2020 injury, the claimant began treating with Dr. Adragna as the authorized treating physician. Neither in the emergency room on February 14, nor in subsequent visits with Dr. Adragna were any acute injuries to the claimant’s head, right hip or leg verified. The doctor diagnosed the claimant with bursitis of the hip, contusions on both shoulders and a right ankle sprain. He recommended an injection into the hip, physical therapy and chiropractor treatment. The claimant saw Dr. Brannam for chiropractic treatment. He recorded the claimant’s improvement through March. The claimant had discarded a leg brace and was walking and standing equally on both legs. In June, the claimant saw Physician’s Assistant Klosterman at Peak Professionals. The claimant complained to Mr. Klosterman of new symptoms in the right ankle, knee and hip. Mr. Klosterman remarked on a “sudden spontaneous worsening after vast improvement.”          The respondent arranged for an examination of the claimant by Dr. Lesnak. The doctor had conducted a previous review of the claimant in November 2019, in connection with her previous workers’ compensation claim in 2018. Dr. Lesnak’s report and his later hearing testimony concluded the claimant had not suffered an injury on February 14, 2020. He determined the claimant’s symptoms were longstanding and did not differ from her complaints described in 2019. The doctor resolved that the course of the February 2020, injury was non-physiologic, that she had sustained no new injury in February, 2020, and that her symptoms dated back to 2004 when she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia.          The respondent denied the compensability of the February 14, 2020 injury. The claimant sought a hearing regarding compensability, temporary total and temporary partial disability benefits and medical benefits. Following a September 9, 2020, hearing, the ALJ ruled the claimant had not demonstrated she sustained an injury on February 14 and denied her claim.          On appeal the claimant contends the ALJ was in error insofar as her...

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