In re Compensation of McQueen, 092321 ORWC, 20-04916

Case DateSeptember 23, 2021
73 Van Natta 710 (2021)
In the Matter of the Compensation of JESSICA S. MCQUEEN, Claimant
WCB No. 20-04916
Oregon Worker Compensation
September 23, 2021
          SAIF Legal Salem, Defense Attorneys           Reviewing Panel: Members Ousey and Curey.          ORDER ON REVIEW          Claimant, pro se,1 requests review of Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Otto’s order that: (1) found that claimant’s hearing request regarding the SAIF Corporation’s denial of her injury claim for a upper respiratory condition was untimely filed; and (2) upheld SAIF’s denial. On review, the issue is timeliness. We affirm in part and vacate in part.          FINDINGS OF FACT          We adopt the ALJ’s “Findings of Fact.”          CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND OPINION          A request for hearing must be filed no later than 60 days after the mailing of the denial. See ORS 656.3 19(1)(a). A hearing request filed after 60 days (but within 180 days) of a denial confers jurisdiction with the Hearings Division if the claimant establishes “good cause” for the late filing. See ORS 656.3 19(1)(b). A hearing request filed more than 180 days after a denial confers jurisdiction only if the claimant can show a lack of mental competency to file the request within the statutory time period. See ORS 656.319(2). “Lack of mental competency” applies only to an individual suffering from a mental disorder, mental illness, or nervous disorder as required for commitment or voluntary admission to a treatment facility. See ORS 656.319(3).          [73 Van Natta 711] Here, SAIF issued its denial of claimant’s injury claim on September 26, 2018. (Ex. 4). Claimant did not file a hearing request until October 23, 2020 (759 days after SAIF’s denial). (Ex. 26). Because claimant filed the hearing request after the 180-day period, a hearing can only be granted if the record persuasively establishes that claimant suffered from a mental disorder, mental illness, or nervous disorder as required for commitment or voluntary admission to a treatment facility. See ORS 656.319(3).          After our review, we find that the record does not...

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