In re Sachem CSD, 010620 NYWC, 40603539

Case DateJanuary 06, 2020
CourtNew York
Matter of Sachem CSD, Employer
No. 40603539
New York Workers Compensation
January 6, 2020
          Date of Accident: 03/28/2006          Issues: Voluntary removal: attachment to the labor market; reduced earnings          District Office: Hauppauge          Carrier: Sachem CSE at Holbrook, Carrier ID No.: W862882, Carrier Case No.: 0020W30220           Claimant's Attorney: Pasternack Tilker           Panel: Clarissa M. Rodriguez          MANDATORY FULL BOARD REVIEW FULL BOARD MEMORANDUM OF DECISION          The Full Board, at its meeting on December 17, 2019, considered the above captioned case for Mandatory Full Board Review of the Board Panel Memorandum of Decision filed March 18, 2019.          ISSUE          The issue presented for Mandatory Full Board Review is whether the claimant has demonstrated that her reduction in earnings is due, even in part, to her work-related disability.          The Workers' Compensation Law Judge (WCLJ) found that the claimant reattached to the labor market as of August 15, 2017, was unattached as of December 1, 2017, reattached again as of May 7, 2018, and remains attached to the labor market.          The Board Panel majority found that the claimant failed to demonstrate a relevant nexus between her work-related disability and her unsuccessful job search, and rescinded awards.          The dissenting Board Panel member would find that the claimant's disability was a limiting factor in her search for employment and, therefore, partially responsible for her inability to find employment in 2017.          The claimant filed an application for Mandatory Full Board Review on April 4, 2019, arguing that she has demonstrated a nexus between her disability and unsuccessful job search and that the WCLJ decision should be affirmed. The claimant contends that the standard applied by the Board Panel majority is impossible to satisfy and that the Board should infer that claimant's loss of earnings are due to her disability          The self-insured employer (SIE) filed a rebuttal on April 26, 2019, arguing that the Board Panel majority correctly found that the claimant...

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