In re Town of Union, 110819 NYWC, 99405668

Case DateNovember 08, 2019
CourtNew York
Matter of Town of Union, Employer
No. 99405668
New York Workers Compensation
November 8, 2019
          Date of Accident: 06/29/1994          Issue: Classification          District Office: Binghamton          Carrier: Special Funds Sec 25-A Carrier ID No.: W997001 Carrier Case No.:___           Claimant's Attorney: Hinman, Howard & Kattell, LLP           Panel: Clarissa M. Rodriguez           MANDATORY FULL BOARD REVIEW FULL BOARD MEMORANDUM OF DECISION          The Full Board, at its meeting on October 8, 2019, considered the above captioned case for Mandatory Full Board Review of the Board Panel Memorandum of Decision filed March 6, 2019.          ISSUE          The issue presented for Mandatory Full Board Review is whether the record supports a finding of permanent total disability.          The Workers' Compensation Law Judge (WCLJ (Workers' Compensation Law Judge)) found that the claimant has a permanent total disability and awarded benefits from February 26, 2018, to June 12, 2018, at the temporary total disability rate of $188.90 per week, and directed continued benefits at the permanent total disability rate.          The Board Panel majority found that the record reflected a permanent partial disability and returned the matter to the hearing calendar on the issues of loss of wage earning capacity and labor market attachment. The Board Panel majority also modified awards for the period from February 26, 2018, to June 12, 2018, to the temporary partial disability rate of $165.29 per week. Awards were continued at the tentative rate of $165.29 per week.          The dissenting Board Panel member would affirm the WCLJ.          The claimant filed an application for Mandatory Full Board Review on April 1, 2019, arguing that the record supports a finding of a permanent total disability.          A timely rebuttal was not filed.          Upon review, the Full Board votes to adopt the following findings and conclusions.          FACTS          This claim is established for injuries to the right foot, low back, right hip, and complex regional pain syndrome stemming from a work-related accident on June 29, 1994. The average weekly wage was set at $283.35. By a decision filed February 5, 2002, liability for this claim was transferred to Special Funds pursuant to Workers' Compensation Law (WCL (Workers' Compensation Law)) § 25-a.          In a decision filed July 21, 2014, the Board Panel found that the claimant had not reached maximum medical improvement (MMI), rescinded the WCLJ's finding that claimant was permanently partially disabled, made awards at the temporary total disability rate, and continued the case.          In a reserved decision filed on February 29, 2016, the WCLJ noted that the claimant had been awarded and paid temporary total disability benefits at $188.90 per week for the past 12 years and directed the production of up-to-date medical evidence addressing the issues of MMI and permanency. The WCLJ kept in place the direction that benefits continue at the temporary total disability rate. Special Funds requested administrative review, arguing that awards should be modified at the rate of $70.84 per week and that the matter should be returned to the hearing calendar for the claimant's testimony on the issue of labor market attachment.          In a decision filed on October 7, 2016, the Board Panel modified...

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