Kansas Register, Volume 32, No. 45, November 7, 2013, Pages 1309-1340
Jurisdiction | Kentucky |
Library | Kentucky Register |
Published date | 07 November 2013 |
Year | 2013 |
Kansas Register
Kris W. Kobach, Secretary of State
Vol. 32, No. 45 November 7, 2013 Pages 1309-1340
In this issue . . . Page
Kansas Development Finance Authority
Notice of hearing on proposed revenue bonds ...................................................................................1310
Kansas Sentencing Commission
Notice of 2013 Workshop............................................................................................................... 1310
Kansas Water Office
Notice of pre-bid meeting .............................................................................................................. 1311
Kansas Commission on Veterans’ Affairs
Notice of meeting......................................................................................................................... 1311
Legislative interim committee schedule ...............................................................................................1311
Department of Agriculture—Division of Conservation
Notice to contractors (revised) ........................................................................................................ 1312
Kansas Board of Regents Universities
Notice to bidders.......................................................................................................................... 1312
Department of Revenue—Division of Taxation
Request for bids for oil and gas lease ............................................................................................... 1312
Kansas Water Authority
Notice of meeting......................................................................................................................... 1313
State Conservation Commission
Notice of meeting......................................................................................................................... 1313
Department of Administration–Procurement and Contracts
Notice to bidders for state purchases................................................................................................ 1313
North Central Regional Planning Commission
Notices to bidders ................................................................................................................ 1313, 1314
Kansas Department of Transportation
Notices to consulting firms............................................................................................................. 1314
Office of the Governor
Notice of available grant funding .................................................................................................... 1315
Executive Directive No. 13-447, authorizing expenditure of federal funds................................................ 1315
Department of Health and Environment
Requests for comments on proposed air quality permits ............................................................... 1316-1319
Notice concerning water pollution control permits/applications............................................................. 1320
Request for bids for lead hazard reduction ........................................................................................1322
Notice of Bond Sale
Cityof DodgeCity ....................................................................................................................... 1322
Secretary of State
Code mortgage rate for November .................................................................................................. 1323
Pooled Money Investment Board
Notice of investment rates.............................................................................................................. 1323
Wildlife, Parks and Tourism Commission
Notice of hearing on proposed administrative regulations.................................................................... 1323
Attorney General
Opinions No. 2013-11 through 2013-17 ............................................................................................. 1324
Permanent Administrative Regulations
Department of Revenue................................................................................................................. 1325
Temporary Administrative Regulations
Kansas Lottery............................................................................................................................. 1325
Index to administrative regulations .................................................................................................... 1337
䉷Kansas Secretary of State 2013 Vol. 32, No. 45, November 7, 2013
Hearing/Notice1310 Kansas Register
The Kansas Register (USPS 0662-190) is an official publication of the state of Kansas, published by authority ofK.S.A. 75-430. The
Kansas Register is published weekly and a cumulative index is published annually by the Kansas Secretary of State. One-year
subscriptions are $80 (Kansas residents must include applicable state and local sales tax). Single copies, if available, may be
purchased for $2. Periodicals postage paid at Topeka, Kansas. POSTMASTER: Send change of address form to Kansas Register,
Secretary of State, 1st Floor, Memorial Hall, 120 S.W. 10th Ave., Topeka, KS 66612-1594.
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Published by
Kris W. Kobach
Secretary of State
1st Floor, Memorial Hall
120 S.W. 10th Ave.
Topeka, KS 66612-1594
Register Office:
1st Floor, Memorial Hall
Fax 785-296-8577
State of Kansas
Kansas Development Finance Authority
Notice of Hearing
A public hearing will be conducted at 9 a.m. Thursday,
November 21, in the offices of the Kansas Development
Finance Authority, 555 S. Kansas Ave., Suite 202, Topeka,
on the proposal for the KDFA to issue its Agricultural
Development Revenue Bond for the project numbered be-
low in the respective maximum principal amount. The
bond will be issued to assist the borrower named below
(who will be the owner and operator of the project) to
finance the cost in the amount of the bond, which is then
typically purchased by a lender bank who then, through
the KDFA, loans the bond proceeds to the borrower for
the purposes of acquiring the project. The project shall be
located as shown:
Project No. 000858 — Maximum Principal Amount:
$501,100. Owner/Operator: Brian Yost. Description: Con-
struction of a 2400-space hog finishing barn to be used by
the owner/operator for farming purposes. The project is
being financed by the lender for Brian Yost and is located
at Section 15, Township 21, Range 1 West, McPherson
County, Kansas, approximately 3 miles west, 1 mile south
and .5 mile west of Goessel.
The bond, when issued, will be a limited obligation of
the KDFA and will not constitute a general obligation or
indebtedness of the state of Kansas or any political sub-
division thereof, including the KDFA, nor will it be an
indebtedness for which the faith and credit and taxing
powers of the state of Kansas are pledged. The bond will
be payable solely from amounts received from the re-
spective borrower, the obligation of which will be suffi-
cient to pay the principal of, interest and redemption pre-
mium, if any, on the bond when it becomes due.
All individuals who appear at the hearing will be given
an opportunity to express their views concerning the pro-
posal to issue the bond to finance the project, and all writ-
ten comments previously filed with the KDFA at its of-
fices at 555 S. Kansas Ave., Suite 202, Topeka, 66603, will
be considered. Additional information regarding the pro-
ject may be obtained by contacting the KDFA.
Tim Shallenburger
Doc. No. 042059
State of Kansas
Kansas Sentencing Commission
Notice of 2013 Workshop
The Kansas Sentencing Commission’s 2013 Workshop
is scheduled for November 13-14 at the Capitol Plaza Ho-
tel, 1717 S.W. Topeka Blvd., Topeka. The workshop will
begin at 9 a.m. each day. Any individual with a disability
may request accommodation to attend a KSC meeting.
Requests for accommodation should be made at least five
working days in advance of the meeting by contacting
Brenda Harmon at 785-296-0923.
Scott M. Schultz
Executive Director
Doc. No. 042062
Kansas Secretary of State 2013Vol. 32, No. 45, November 7, 2013
Meetings/Interim Agenda 1311
Kansas Register
State of Kansas
Kansas Water Office
Notice of Meeting
The Kansas Water Office will conduct a pre-bid meet-
ing for the Smoky Hill Streambank Restoration Invitation
for Bid at 10:30 a.m. Thursday, November 7, at the As-
saria City Community Center, 315 E. Main St., Assaria.
Tracy Streeter
Doc. No. 042056
State of Kansas
Commission on Veterans’ Affairs
Notice of Meeting
The Kansas Commission on Veterans’ Affairs will meet
at 10 a.m. Wednesday, November 20, at the Kansas Vet-
erans’ Home in the Timmerman Administration Building,
1220 WWII Memorial Drive, Winfield. The public is in-
vited to attend. For more information call 785-296-3976.
Gregg Burden
Executive Director
Doc. No. 042041
State of Kansas
Interim Committee Schedule
The Legislative Research Department gives notice that the following legislative committees plan to meet during the
period of November 7-21, based on current information and subject to change. Requests for accommodation to partic-
ipate in committee meetings should be made at least two working days in advance of the meeting by contacting Leg-
islative Administrative Services at 785-296-2391 or TTY 711, or email LegServ@las.ks.gov.
Date Room Time Committee Agenda
Nov. 7 112-N 8:00 a.m. Special Committee on
Agenda not available.
Nov. 7 152-S 10:00 a.m. Joint Committee on Kansas
Capitol Complex security; Fusion Center
briefing; school safety and security;
residential care for veterans.
Nov. 7 159-S 9:00 a.m. Joint Committee on State
Building Construction
Review agency five-year plans.
Nov. 7 546-S 9:00 a.m. Joint Committee on
Corrections and Juvenile
Justice Oversight
Overview of FY 2014 prison population
projections, implementation of the Justice
Reinvestment Act, and Kansas
Department of Corrections’ operations;
discussion of 2013 HB 2120, regarding
the update of KBI DNA collection
procedures, and 2013 SB 41, regarding
possession of a firearm during
commission of a drug crime.
Nov. 8 546-S 9:00 a.m. Joint Committee on
Corrections and Juvenile
Justice Oversight
Study of statutory exemption for ‘‘state
institutions’’ from substance abuse
treatment licensing requirements.
Nov. 19 152-S 1:30 p.m. Capitol Preservation
Status of Brown v. Board mural selection
process; discussion of application process
for new proposals; review of exhibit
plans for the visitor center; review of the
Capitol landscape plan; timeline for the
completion of the Capitol restoration;
and tour of renovated areas (if time
Nov. 19 582-N 10:00 a.m. Special Committee on
Agricultural and Natural
Agenda not available.
Nov. 21 159-S TBA Joint Committee on State
Building Construction
Agenda not available.
Jeffrey M. Russell
Director of Legislative
Administrative Services
Doc. No. 042043
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