Kansas Register, Volume 34, No. 47, November 19, 2015, Pages 1217-1232

LibraryKentucky Register
Published date19 November 2015
Kansas Register
Kris W. Kobach, Secretary of State
Vol. 34, No. 47 November 19, 2015 Pages 1217-1232
In this issue . . . Page
Department of Administration—Office of Facilities and Property Management
Notice of requested engineering services ................................................................................... 1218
State Board of Technical Professions
Notice of meeting..................................................................................................................... 1219
Board of Emergency Medical Services
Notice of meetings.................................................................................................................... 1219
Wildlife, Parks and Tourism Commission
Notice of meeting..................................................................................................................... 1219
Department of Administration—Procurement and Contracts
Notice to bidders for state purchases ........................................................................................ 1219
Kansas Board of Regents Universities
Notice to bidders...................................................................................................................... 1220
Kansas Department of Transportation
Notice to contractors................................................................................................................. 1220
Notice of Bond Sale
Andover Public Building Commission ....................................................................................... 1221
City of Rose Hill....................................................................................................................... 1222
Pooled Money Investment Board
Notice of investment rates......................................................................................................... 1223
Department of Health and Environment
Notice concerning water pollution control permits/applications .................................................. 1223
Requests for comments on proposed air quality permits..................................................... 1226, 1227
Permanent Administrative Regulations
Department of Administration .................................................................................................. 1227
Attorney General...................................................................................................................... 1228
Index to administrative regulations.............................................................................................. 1230
Kansas Secretary of State 2015 Vol. 34, No. 47, November 19, 2015
Notice1218 Kansas Register
The Kansas Register (USPS 0662-190) is an official publication of the state of Kansas, published by authority ofK.S.A. 75-430. The
Kansas Register is published weekly and a cumulative index is published annually by the Kansas Secretary of State. One-year
subscriptions are $80 (Kansas residents must include applicable state and local sales tax). Single copies, if available, may be
purchased for $2. Periodicals postage paid at Topeka, Kansas. POSTMASTER: Send change of address form to Kansas Register,
Secretary of State, 1st Floor, Memorial Hall, 120 S.W. 10th Ave., Topeka, KS 66612-1594.
Kansas Secretary of State 2015. Reproduction of the publication in its entirety or for commercial purposesis prohibited without
prior permission. Official enactments of the Kansas Legislature and proposed and adopted administrative regulations of state
agencies may be reproduced in any form without permission.
Hard copy subscription information and current and back issues of the Kansas Register (PDF format) can be foundat the following
link: http://www.sos.ks.gov/pubs/pubs_kansas_register.asp
Published by
Kris W. Kobach
Secretary of State
1st Floor, Memorial Hall
120 S.W. 10th Ave.
Topeka, KS 66612-1594
Register Office:
1st Floor, Memorial Hall
Fax 785-296-8577
State of Kansas
Department of Administration
Office of Facilities and Property Management
Notice of Requested ‘‘On-Call’
Engineering Services
Notice is hereby given of the commencement of the se-
lection process for ‘‘on-call’’ civil and structural engi-
neering services for Kansas State University. Services are
required for projects of $1,000,000 or less; up to two firms
may be selected. Contracts will be for three years.
For more information contact Diana Hutchison at 785-
532-0379 or dlhutch@ksu.edu. Firms interested in provid-
ing these services should be familiar with the require-
ments found in Part B—Chapter 4 of the Building Design
and Construction Manual at the website below.
To be considered, one (1) PDF file of the following
should be provided: State of Kansas Professional Quali-
fications DCC Forms 051-054, inclusive, and information
regarding similar projects. These forms may be found at
http://admin.ks.gov/offices/ofpm/dcc/f-and-d. State of
Kansas Professional Qualifications DCC Form 050 for
each firm and consultant should be provided at the end
of each proposal. Please include your firm name, agency
abbreviation and an abbreviated project name in the title
of the PDF document. Proposals should be less than 5MB
and follow the current State Building Advisory Commis-
sion guidelines found in Part B — Chapter 2 of the Build-
ing Design and Construction Manual at http://www.
Proposals should be sent on a CD, DVD or flash drive
along with a transmittal to Randy Riveland, Office of Fa-
cilities and Property Management, Suite 700, 800 S.W.
Jackson, Topeka, 66612-1216. Proposals sent via email
will no longer be accepted and paper copies of the pro-
posals are no longer required. It is the proposer’s respon-
sibility to ensure proposals are received by the closing
date and time. Delays in mail delivery or any other means
of transmittal, including couriers or agents of the issuing
entity, shall not excuse late proposal submissions. Pro-
posals received after the date and time noted below will
not be forwarded to the State Building Advisory Com-
mission for review. If you have questions call 785-296-
0749. The PDF proposal submissions shall be delivered to
the attention of Randy Riveland by 2 p.m. on or before
December 4, 2015.
Mark J. McGivern, Director
Office of Facilities and
Property Management
Doc. No. 044065

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