Lopez v. Personnel Plus, Inc., 012820 IDWC, IC 2014-028197

Case DateJanuary 28, 2020
No. IC 2014-028197
Idaho Workers Compensation
Before the Industrial Commission of the State of Idaho
January 28, 2020
         ORDER ON RECONSIDERATION           Thomas P. Baskin, Chairman.          On or about December 12, 2019 the Commission entered its Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Order in the matter above referenced. The Commission found that Claimant was not credible when describing her post-accident symptoms and functional capacity. Claimant’s lack of credibility, correlated with the medical evidence of record, persuaded the Commission that Claimant did not suffer ratable permanent physical impairment as a consequence of the subject accident, therefore making further examination of her claim for disability moot. The Commission was aware that prior to hearing Defendants had paid the 24% upper extremity rating recommended by Dr. Esplin.          In her Motion for Reconsideration, Claimant requests that the Commission revisit its determination that Claimant has failed to prove entitlement to an impairment rating. However, Claimant does not contend that the Commission erred in declining to make an award of disability to Claimant in excess of her claimed entitlement to an impairment rating. Per Claimant, her only purpose in challenging the Commission’s determination on the issue of impairment is to avert the possibility that the Defendants may seek repayment from Claimant for the impairment rating paid by Defendants, but to which the Commission determined Claimant was not entitled. Claimant also avers that the issue of impairment though noticed for hearing, was waived by Defendants because it was not the subject of briefing. In response, Defendants contend that PPI is a component of PPD and that Claimant’s disability was hotly contested. They further contend that their prior payment of the 24% upper extremity rating was made before Claimant’s “perfidy” was revealed in subsequent investigations.          A decision of the Commission, in the absence of fraud, shall be final and conclusive as to all matters adjudicated, provided...

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