Moore v. Kroger Limited Partnership I Kroger Co., 031721 VAWC, VA00001442920

Case DateMarch 17, 2021
Jurisdiction Claim Nos. VA00001442920, VA00001518266
Claim Administrator File Nos. B830007629000101300, B830042710000101300
Virginia Workers’ Compensation
Virginia In The Workers’ Compensation Commission
March 17, 2021
          Date of Injury February 13, 2018           Date of Injury September 1, 2018           Ericka Moore Claimant, pro se.           Emily Pabalan, Esquire For the Defendants.           REVIEW on the record by Commissioner Marshall, Commissioner Newman, and Commissioner Rapaport at Richmond, Virginia.           OPINION           MARSHALL Commissioner          The claimant requests review of the Deputy Commissioner’s April 1, 2020 Opinion.[1] She alleges the Deputy Commissioner erred in denying additional disability benefits, a referral to Dr. Glowacki, additional mileage reimbursement, and additional payment to Virginia Commonwealth University (“VCU”) regarding the February 13, 2018 accident. The claimant asserts the Deputy Commissioner erred in finding she failed to prove the September 1, 2018 fall was a compensable injury by accident. We AFFIRM as MODIFIED.          I. Material Proceedings          The defendants accepted the claimant’s February 13, 2018 accident as compensable. The Commission issued a March 30, 2018 Medical Only Award for all casually related body parts. (JCN VA00001442920). The claimant filed several claims.[2] She proceeded with claims seeking mileage reimbursement for 469.8 miles from June 25, 2018 to November 1, 2018 and 714.4 miles from November 7, 2018 to through September 5, 2019, temporary partial disability from February 13, 2018 and continuing, and authorization to treat with Dr. Glowacki on referral from Dr. Cotterell. She also sought payment of medical bills to VCU.          The Deputy Commissioner conducted hearings on all of the claims on September 26, 2019 and November 20, 2019. She heard testimony from the claimant; her 2018 supervisor, Sherrell Kearney; Janet Fowler, adult beverage manager of the store; Kim Perez, a store manager; and Carrie Fenn, manager of the grocery store where the claimant worked.          The defendants stipulated the claimant sustained a right wrist contusion on February 13, 2018. They identified Dr. Cotterell as the authorized treating physician. They agreed to be responsible for Dr. Cotterell’s referral to Dr. Chapman and for transportation, therapy or labs from these two physicians, as long as the treatment was reasonable, necessary and related to the right wrist contusion. They stipulated the pre-injury wage was $320.28.          The claimant did not agree that her right wrist injury was limited to a contusion.          The defendants denied the medical records supported the period of disability claimed. They asserted the claimant was not disabled to the extent alleged and she failed to market residual work capacity. They denied a second opinion with Dr. Glowacki was reasonable, necessary, authorized or ordered by the treating physician. They asserted Dr. Cotterell had not discharged or refused to treat the claimant. They denied the mileage claim was related to the compensable injury.          The claimant filed several other claims[3] which alleged a September 1, 2018 injury by accident to the right side of her face, right wrist, right shoulder, the neck and both knees. She sought a lifetime medical award, payment of medical bills, authorization for surgery, payment for an MRI, temporary total or temporary partial disability from September 1, 2018 and continuing, and authorization to treat with Dr. Glowacki. The claimant requested the same mileage reimbursement as for her earlier accident, some of which had been paid.          The defendants denied the claimant sustained an injury by accident arising out of and in the course of her employment on September 1, 2018. They asserted there was no causal relationship between the injury and the claimant’s medical treatment or disability. They alleged the claimant was not disabled or impaired to the extent alleged, the medical records did not support the period of disability alleged, the claimant failed to market her residual work capacity, and an unjustified refusal of selective employment. They asserted there was no proof of wage loss, the seven-day waiting period of Va. Code §65.2-509 applied, and that the claimant voluntarily removed herself from work. They sought a credit for increased earnings in the claimant’s second job. They denied the referral to Dr. Glowacki was medically reasonable, necessary or causally related to a compensable injury.          If the Commission found a compensable injury on September 1, 2018, the defendants stipulated to: contusion to right side of the face, a right knee contusion, a left knee contusion and a right wrist contusion. They alleged an average weekly wage of $204.67.          The Deputy Commissioner found the claimant proved entitlement to temporary partial disability from February 13, 2018 through February 25, 2018 and from April 16, 2018 through May 13, 2018 only. Although Dr. Chapman gave the claimant a modified duty release on July 27, 2018, she assigned it little weight. His treatment note from her visit the previous day mentioned no limitations. The Deputy Commissioner found insufficient evidence any work restrictions the claimant received after July 27, 2018 were causally related to the February 13, 2018 accident.          The Deputy Commissioner held Dr. Cotterell did not issue a valid referral to Dr. Glowacki. She found Dr. Cotterell referred the claimant to Dr. Glowacki at the claimant’s request and not based on her medical evaluation and treatment.          Regarding the request for mileage reimbursement from June 25, 2018 through November 1, 2018, the Deputy Commissioner found the claimant entitled to reimbursement for doctor visits on June 25, 2018, July 26, 2018, September 20, 2018, October 16, 2018, and October 23, 2018, a total of 94 miles or $52.17 (94 miles x $.555). She denied mileage payment for physical therapy visits, as no documentation was produced to the defendants. She found no record of treatment on October 11, 2018 and unrelated treatment on October 30, 2018, which were not the defendants’ responsibility. The parties stipulated the defendants already paid $47.95, for which they were due a credit. This left a balance due to the claimant of $4.22.          For the second period, November 7, 2018 through September 5, 2019, the Deputy Commissioner found the claimant entitled to mileage reimbursement for the December 4, 2018 visit with Dr. Chapman. This trip was 18.8 miles x $.555 and totaled $10.43. She found the defendants were not responsible for the remaining 695.6 miles claimed. The mileage was either unsupported by medical records, unrelated to the right wrist contusion or for treatment with unauthorized physicians.          The Deputy Commissioner found the claimant entitled to limited payment of VCU bills. To the extent payment had not already been made, she found the defendants responsible for the following: the VCU bills reflecting treatment with or at the direction of Dr. Cotterell on May 6, 2018, June 8 through June 28, 2018, July 2 through July 30, 2018, July 26, 2018, September 13, 2018, September 20, 2018, October 16, 2018, and November 5, 2018. She found the remaining bills were for unrelated and/or unauthorized treatment and not the responsibility of the defendants.          The Deputy Commissioner held the claimant failed to prove a compensable injury on September 1, 2018. The claimant’s hearing testimony was consistent with an account in the medical records of the claimant tripping over a box at work. The Deputy Commissioner found the medical evidence failed to relate any injury to this accident. Although the claimant complained of pain in her right wrist and both knees at St. Mary’s Hospital on September 1, 2018, the...

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