New York Register, Volume 39, Issue 03, January 18, 2017
Jurisdiction | New York |
Library | New York Register |
Published date | 18 January 2017 |
Year | 2017 |
Each rule making is identified by an I.D. No., which consists
of 13 characters. For example, the I.D. No. AAM-01-96-
00001-E indicates the following:
AAM -the abbreviation to identify the adopting agency
01 -the State Register issue number
96 -the year
00001 -the Department of State number, assigned upon
receipt of notice.
E -Emergency Rule Making—permanent action
not intended (This character could also be: A
for Adoption; P for Proposed Rule Making; RP
for Revised Rule Making; EP for a combined
Emergency and Proposed Rule Making; EA for
an Emergency Rule Making that is permanent
and does not expire 90 days after filing.)
Itali cs con tain ed in text denote new material. Brackets
indicate material to be deleted.
Delaware River Basin
Regulatory Program Fees and WaterSupply Charges
FILING DATE:December 29, 2016.
EFFECTIVE DATE:This final rule is effective January 1, 2017.
ACTION TAKEN: By Resolution No. 2016-9 on December 14, 2016,
the Delaware River Basin Commission amended its Administrative
Manual Part II – Rules of Practice and Procedure and Administrative
Manual Part III – Basin Regulations – Water Supply Charges (21
NYCRR Subchapter A, Part 833 and Subchapter D, Part 883,
respectively) to adopt a new project review fee structure and provide for
automatic inflation adjustments. These changes were also incorporated
into the Commission’s Comprehensive Plan.
STATUTORY AUTHORITY: Delaware River Basin Compact, United
States Public Law 87-328, Approved September 27, 1961, 75 Statutes at
Large 688; 53 Delaware Laws, Chapter 71, Approved May 26, 1961;
New Jersey Laws of 1961, Chapter 13, Approved May 1, 1961; New
York Laws of 1961, Chapter 148, Approved March 17, 1961; and
Pennsylvania Acts of 1961, Act No. 268, Approved July 7, 1961.
PURPOSE: The amendments establish a new project review fee
structure and provide for automatic inflation adjustments for regulatory
program fees and water charges.
Director of Administration and Finance, 609-883-9500, ext. 201.
Background. The Delaware River Basin Commission (“DRBC” or
“Commission”) is a Federal-interstate compact agency charged with
managing the water resources of the Delaware River Basin on a regional
basis without regard to political boundaries. Its members are the
governors of the four basin states – Delaware, New Jersey, New York and
Pennsylvania – and on behalf of the federal government, the North
Atlantic Division Commander of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The
Commission is not subject to the requirements of the New York State
Administrative Procedure Act. The purpose of this notice is to advise the
public that duly adopted regulations of the Commission have been filed
with the state in accordance with Section 14.2 of the Delaware River
Basin Compact.
By Resolution No. 2016-9 on December 14, 2016 the Commission
approved a comprehensive revision of its project review fee structure,
including an automatic annual indexed inflation adjustment for most fees.
An inflation adjustment was also approved for DRBC’s water supply
charges rates applicable to consumptive and non-consumptive surface
water withdrawals. The changes to DRBC’s regulatory program fees are
designed to provide a more predictable and sustainable source of
revenues and to close the annual gap in funding needed to support
DRBC’s project review program. They also adjust the fees program to
better align with the One Process/One Permit Program instituted earlier in
2016. The changes to DRBC’s water supply charges regulations are
designed to help revenues assigned to DRBC’s Water Supply Storage
Facilities Fund keep pace with inflation.
Public Process. A Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Public Hearing
was posted to the Commission’s website on May 9, 2016. A detailed set
of questions and answers about the proposal (“FAQs”) and a press release
accompanied the May 9, 2016 web posting. On May 10, 2016, an email
alert, including a link to the notice and supporting documents, was
transmitted to all parties subscribed to DRBC’s list serve. Notice of the
proposed rules was published in the Federal Register at 81 FR 35662,
June 3, 2016 and appeared in the Delaware Register of Regulations, 19
DE Reg., 1052, June 1, 2016; New Jersey Register, 48 N.J.R. 949, June 6,
2016; New YorkState Register, May 25, 2016 (page 1); and Pennsylvania
Bulletin, 46 Pa.B. 2967, June 11, 2016. DRBC staff hosted a public
informational meeting on the proposal on Wednesday, June 15, 2016 in
Washington Crossing, Pa., including presentations by staff and informal
questions and answers. The FAQs posted on the Commission’s website
were thereafter supplemented with questions and responses offered
during the informational meeting. A public hearing on the proposed
amendments took place at the Commission’s office building in West
Trenton, N.J. on July 27, 2016 and written comments were accepted
through August 12, 2016.
In response to the written and oral comments submitted on the draft
rules, staff developed a detailed comment and response document,
including modest changes to the rule text. After careful consideration and
consultation with staff on the comments and proposed changes to the
draft rules, the Commissioners determined that the changes were
appropriate, responsive to the public’s concerns and a logical outgrowth
of the rules as proposed. The changes and the staff response to comments
were adopted by unanimous vote of the Commissioners to approve
Resolution No. 2016-9 at the Commission’s public business meeting on
December 14, 2016.
Additional materials. The following additional materials can be found
on the Commission’s web site,
DResolution No. 2016-9, at
Res2016-09_Fee-Rule.pdf. Attachments to the resolution include a
redline version of the regulatory program fees rule text, showing changes
between the draft and final versions of the new rule; and a redline version
of the schedule of water charges, comparing the text that has been in
place since 2011 with the text of this final rule.
DThe detailed comment and response document prepared by staff and
adopted by the Commission when it approved the final rule on December
14, 2016, at
DA questions and answers document (“FAQs”) prepared by staff to
explain the purpose and effect of the rule changes, at
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