48 U.S.C. § 2145 Recommendations On Financial Stability and Management Responsibility

LibraryUnited States Statutes
CurrencyCurrent through P.L. 118-34 (published on www.congress.gov on 12/26/2023), except for [P. L. 118-31]
Citation48 U.S.C. § 2145

(a) In general

The Oversight Board may at any time submit recommendations to the Governor or the Legislature on actions the territorial government may take to ensure compliance with the Fiscal Plan, or to otherwise promote the financial stability, economic growth, management responsibility, and service delivery efficiency of the territorial government, including recommendations relating to-

(1) the management of the territorial government's financial affairs, including economic forecasting and multiyear fiscal forecasting capabilities, information technology, placing controls on expenditures for personnel, reducing benefit costs, reforming procurement practices, and placing other controls on expenditures;

(2) the structural relationship of departments, agencies, and independent agencies within the territorial government;

(3) the modification of existing revenue structures, or the establishment of additional revenue structures;

(4) the establishment of alternatives for meeting obligations to pay for the pensions of territorial government employees;

(5) modifications or transfers of the types of services that are the responsibility of, and are delivered by the territorial government;

(6) modifications of the types of services that are delivered by entities other than the territorial government under alternative service delivery mechanisms;

(7) the effects of the territory's laws and court orders on the operations of the territorial government;

(8) the establishment of a personnel system for employees of the territorial government that is based upon employee performance standards;

(9) the improvement of personnel training and proficiency, the adjustment of staffing levels, and the improvement of training and performance of management and supervisory personnel; and

(10) the privatization and commercialization of entities within the territorial government.

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