Strope v. Kootenai Medical Center, Inc., 012717 IDWC, IC 2011-003968

Case DateJanuary 27, 2017
No. IC 2011-003968
Idaho Workers Compensation
Before the Industrial Commission of the State of Idaho
January 27, 2017
          FURTHER ORDER ON MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION AND/OR REHEARING           Thomas E. Limbaugh, Chairman.          Hearing on this matter was held on December 1, 2015. The case was decided on evidence adduced at hearing and via post-hearing deposition as anticipated by J.R.P. 10. Referee Taylor submitted proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order, which were adopted by the Commission by Order dated June 22, 2016. The Commission found, inter alia, that Claimant failed to demonstrate entitlement to further medical treatment related to the subject accident. In connection with the so ruling, the Commission found that Dr. Dirks' records and testimony were insufficient to demonstrate that Claimant's time-of-hearing complaints were causally related to the subject accident versus unrelated conditions/events. Dr. Dirks' opinions were not based on an understanding of Claimant's pre- and post-injury medical history. He conceded that he could not render an opinion on the relationship between Claimant's time-of-hearing complaints and the subject accident without a follow-up MRI evaluation.          Claimant filed a timely motion for reconsideration pursuant to Idaho Code § 72-718.          In support of her motion Claimant argued that the Commission either ignored or misapprehended certain evidence of record in concluding that Claimant had failed to meet her burden of proof. The Commission treated those arguments in its September 9, 2016 Order on Motion for Reconsideration and/or Rehearing, and will not revisit that discussion. However, in further support of her motion for reconsideration, Claimant alerted the Commission to the fact that the recommended lumbar spine MRI was obtained on February 24, 2016. Along with a copy of the radiologist's interpretation of that study, Claimant provided the Commission with certain additional medical records generated by Dr. Dirks, suggesting that Dr. Dirks is of the view that the February 24, 2016 MRI supports the conclusion that Claimant currently has a lumbosacral spine condition that is responsible for her ongoing complaints, that this lumbosacral spine condition is the result of the subject accident, and that this condition requires further medical/surgical treatment. The Commission deemed this new evidence of sufficient importance to warrant reopening the record for the purpose of allowing the parties to adduce such medical evidence as they deemed necessary to fully address the question of what the February 24, 2016 MRI adds to answering the question of whether or not Claimant is entitled to further medical care referable to the subject accident. The parties were specifically cautioned that they should not take the Commission's September 9, 2016 Order as an invitation to ask the Commission to revisit previously considered evidence or argument, much less as an invitation to offer additional evidence which could have been timely adduced at hearing. Following the Commission's September 9, 2016 Order Claimant submitted additional medical evidence and argument on or about December 8, 2016. Defendants submitted additional evidence and argument on the same date.          In support of her motion for reconsideration, Claimant offered exhibits A-B attached to the July 12, 2016 Affidavit of Starr Kelso, as well as certain additional records attached to and referenced in Claimant's December 8, 2016 submission as Exhibits 1 through 17. The Commission admits into evidence Exhibit B to counsel's affidavit, and Exhibits 1, 2, and 10 to counsel's December 8, 2016 filing. As developed in more detail infra, the balance of the documents offered by Claimant are not admitted.          As part of its December 8, 2016 filing, Defendants submitted Defendants' Exhibits 1 through 3. Defendants' Exhibit 1 is a November 1, 2016 letter authored by Jeffrey Larson, M.D. Defendants' Exhibit 2 consists of records generated by Brett Dirks, M.D. since the December 1, 2015 hearing. This Exhibit includes the radiologist's interpretation of the MRI of February 24, 2016. Defendants' Exhibit 3 is a copy of Claimant's request for calendaring dated March 26, 2015. The Commission admits Defendants' Exhibits 1-2 into evidence.          In connection with the numerous exhibits offered by Claimant which the Commission has declined to admit, many consist of evidence that could have been adduced at the original hearing, and are therefore inadmissible at this time pursuant to J.R.P. 10. Other of the Exhibits (notably those generated in connection with obtaining Dr. Seely's response) are irrelevant to the one issue before the Commission. While the Commission has admitted Dr. Seely's November 16, 2016 response to Counsel's inquiries that response is not particularly informative, because it does nothing to disclose the foundation for Dr. Seely's opinion that the need for the February 24, 2016 MRI is causally related to the subject accident. The response does not reveal what medical records Dr. Seely reviewed in arriving at this opinion. The evidence of record does not reflect that Dr. Seely possessed or reviewed the records of other providers generated in connection with Claimant's back injury. How he came to the conclusion that the need for the MRI is related to the original accident is unclear. However, Dr. Seely's original recommendation for the study is found in his chart note of September 28, 2011, and we surmise that since Claimant had recent L5-S1 surgery (June 2011) Dr. Seely concluded that further work-up was reasonably related to that procedure.          Most of the other exhibits are offered to discredit the opinions of Dr. Larson. Claimant has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Commission...

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