Sullivan, 040919 WIWC, 2017-017998

Case DateApril 09, 2019
Claim No. 2017-017998
Wisconsin Workers Compensation
State of Wisconsin Labor and Industry Review Commission
April 9, 2019
          Attorney Karl A. VanDeHey           WORKER’S COMPENSATION DECISION [1]           DAVID B. FALSTAD, CHAIRPERSON          Order          The commission affirms in part and reverses in part the decision of the administrative law judge (ALJ). Accordingly, within 30 days from this date, Colony Brands, Inc. and Sentry Casualty Company (respondents) shall reimburse the applicant for medical expenses she previously paid in the amount of Four Thousand Four Hundred Twenty-Seven dollars and Seven cents ($4,427.07), and for medical mileage expense she incurred in the amount of Ninety-Two dollars and Fifty-Seven cents ($92.57).          Also within 30 days from this date, respondents shall reimburse the third-party insurer, Sisco Insurance, for medical expenses it paid in the amount of Nine Thousand Eighty-Eight dollars and Four cents ($9,088.04).          This order is final.          By the Commission:           Michael H. Gillick, Commissioner          Procedural Posture          On August 3, 2017, the applicant filed a hearing application claiming medical expense for a right upper extremity injury that allegedly arose out of and in the course of her employment with the employer. The date of injury claimed was September 7, 2015. On April 12, 2018, an ALJ for the Department of Administration, Division of Hearings and Appeals, Office of Worker's Compensation Hearings held a hearing in the matter. On July 12, 2018, the ALJ issued a decision which found that the applicant sustained an occupational right wrist/hand injury arising out of and in the course of her employment with the employer. The ALJ ordered reimbursement of medical treatment and medical mileage expense and made the order interlocutory. A timely petition for commission review was filed.          The commission has considered the petition and the positions of the parties, and has reviewed the evidence submitted at the hearing. Based on its review, the commission makes the following:          Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law          1. The applicant, whose birthdate is March 28, 1963, was employed with the employer during two periods as a "Junior Accountant."2 Her first period of employment was from 1993 to 1999. After quitting in 1999, she returned to the same job with the employer in November of 2005. She worked 32 hours per week.3          2. The applicant's job primarily consisted of loading mail into machines that would slice open envelopes, after which she would manually remove the envelope from the machine, pull out the contents and sort them. Most of the envelope contents were invoices and checks. The applicant provided detailed testimony regarding the number of mailings she processed. The commission concluded that in her testimony she mildly exaggerated the total number of mailings that she processed in the time periods she described. However, the commission also concluded that she performed the envelope opening and sorting tasks on a repetitive and continuous basis for at least 3 hours per day.4 Her duties also included about 30 minutes per day performing keyboard entries, and about 2 hours per week sorting and making notations on invoices. Finally, for about two-and-one-half hours per day she opened and sorted mail that had arrived in larger envelopes and did not fit into the sorting machine. She used a different machine to slice open the top of these envelopes, and then manually pulled out the contents and sorted them.5 Once again, the commission concluded that the applicant slightly exaggerated the number of these envelopes she handled within the described time periods, but concluded that during those time periods the work was repetitive and...

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