Texas Register, Volume 38, Number 45. November 8, 2013

LibraryTexas Register
Published date08 November 2013
Volume 38 Number 45 November 8, 2013 Pages 7803 
School children's artwork is used to decorate the front cover and blank filler pages of
the Texas Register. Teachers throughout the state submit the drawings for students in
grades K-12. The drawings dress up the otherwise gray pages of the Texas Register and
introduce students to this obscure but important facet of state government.
The artwork featured on the front cover is chosen at random. Inside each issue, the
artwork is published on what would otherwise be blank pages in the Texas Register.
These blank pages are caused by the production process used to print the Texas Register.
Texas Register, (ISSN 0362-4781, USPS 120-090), is published weekly (52
times per year) for $211.00 ($311.00 for first class mail delivery) by LexisNexis
Matthew Bender & Co., Inc., 1275 Broadway, Albany, N.Y. 12204-2694.
Material in the Texas Register is the property of the State of Texas. However, it
may be copied, reproduced, or republished by any person without permission of
the Texas Register director, provided no such republication shall bear the legend
Texas Register or "Official" without the written permission of the director.
The Texas Register is published under the Government Code, Title 10, Chapter
2002. Periodicals Postage Paid at Albany, N.Y. and at additional mailing offices.
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a section of the
Office of the Secretary of State
P.O. Box 13824
Austin, TX 78711-3824
(512) 463-5561
FAX (512) 463-5569
Secretary of State
John Steen
Director Dan Procter
Leti Benavides
Dana Blanton
Elaine Crease
Kris Hogan
Jill S. Ledbetter
Laura Limas
Barbara Strickland
Joy Vaughn
S. Gail Woods
Mirand Zepeda
Requests for Opinions....................................................................7809