SDCL 10-4-19.1 Time of Determination of Exempt Status-Apportionment When Property Transferred to Exempt Entity

LibrarySouth Dakota Statutes
CurrencyCurrent through the 2023 Legislative Session
CitationSDCL 10-4-19.1

Any exemption from ad valorem taxation in this state as provided by this chapter on account of the use or ownership of real property on the part of any governmental or private entity shall be determined with respect to the ownership and use of such property on the legal assessment day regardless of after acquired or disposed of property, except as provided in § 10-4-19.2. However, any person, firm, or corporation, owning or controlling any property transferred to any entity exempt from taxation as provided in this chapter shall be liable for the payment of all taxes based on an assessment during the year of transfer, proportionate to the length of time such nonexempt person, firm, or corporation o...

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