Torres v. Contra Costa Schools Insurance Group, 010101 KYWC, ADJ3011154

Case DateJanuary 01, 2001
Nos. ADJ3011154, ADJ3631113
Nos. SAC 0309784, SAC 0309785
California Workers Compensation Decisions
Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board State Of California
January 1, 2001
         (Significant Panel Decision)          OPINION AND DECISION AFTER RECONSIDERATION           Deidra E. Lowe          We previously granted applicant's petition for reconsideration of the February 18, 2014 Findings Of Fact And Order of the workers' compensation administrative law judge (WCJ) who dismissed applicant's appeal of a November 12, 2013 Independent Medical Review (IMR) determination because it was not verified.[1]          Applicant contends that defendant's utilization review (UR) and the EVER determination were both flawed and that it is unjust to dismiss his EVER appeal for lack of verification.          The February 18, 2014 decision of the WCJ is rescinded as our Decision After Reconsideration. The WCJ correctly concluded that applicant's EVER appeal is subject to dismissal because Labor Code section 4610.6(h) provides that such a determination "may be reviewed only by a verified appeal." While lack of verification does not automatically require dismissal of an unverified petition, an appeal may be dismissed for lack of verification if the appealing party does not cure the defect within a reasonable time after receiving notice of the defect.          The case is returned to the trial level for further proceedings on applicant's EVER appeal. If the lack of verification is cured by applicant within 20 days of service of this decision as allowed herein, the merits of the EVER appeal should be addressed by the WCJ. If verification of the appeal is not provided by applicant as allowed herein, the WCJ may again dismiss the EVIR appeal for lack of verification.          BACKGROUND          It is admitted that applicant sustained industrial injury to his left knee while working for defendant as a claims examiner on October 15, 1998, causing 27% permanent disability and need for future medical treatment (SAC 0309784, ADJ3011154). It is also admitted that while in that same employ on July 28, 2000, applicant sustained industrial injury to his neck and spine causing a need for medical treatment (SAC 0309785, ADJ3631113).          For a period of time, defendant authorized the Duragesic patches and Norco prescribed by applicant's primary treating physician, Douglas Grant, M.D., to relieve the pain caused by applicant's industrial injuries.2 However, after Dr. Grant requested authorization to refill additional prescriptions for Duragesic patches and Norco in June 2013, defendant's UR physician Claudio Palma, M.D., issued a July 9, 2013 UR determination certifying the request for Norco, but conditionally denying certification of the request for Duragesic patches. In denying certification, Dr. Palma wrote in the UR determination that additional information had been requested concerning "specific reasons as to why the patient was initially prescribed Duragesic patches over other medications, include history of all medications tried, specifically history with opioids," along with a copy of applicant's most recent lab test if available, but that the requested information had not been received. Dr. Palma further wrote that the conditional non-certification "represents an administrative action taken to comply with regulatory time frame constraints, and does not represent a denial based on medical necessity," and that the request for authorization for Duragesic patches "will be reconsidered upon receipt of the information requested."          Applicant disagreed with the UR determination and submitted an application for IMR on August 2, 2013. On August 15, 2013, applicant's attorney sent the IMR organization an additional report by Dr. Grant concerning applicant's history and use of Duragesic patches.          An IMR determination dated November 12, 2013 was sent to applicant's attorney, stating without further explanation that Duragesic patches were...

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