Trevillyan v. Marsden Holding, LLC, 010620 IAWC, 5059535

Case DateJanuary 06, 2020
XL SPECIALTY INSURANCE CO., Insurance Carrier, Defendants.
Nos. 5059535, 5059536
Iowa Workers Compensation
Before the Iowa Workers' Compensation Commissioner
January 6, 2020
         Head Note Nos.: 1108, 1803           ARBITRATION DECISION           JOSEPH L. WALSH DEPUTY WORKERS’ COMPENSATION COMMISSIONER.          STATEMENT OF THE CASE          Richard Trevillyan, II, filed a petition for arbitration seeking workers’ compensation benefits from the employer, Marsden Holding LLC, and XL Specialty Insurance Company, the insurance carrier.          The matter came on for hearing on September 27, 2018, before deputy workers’ compensation commissioner Joseph L. Walsh in Des Moines, Iowa. The parties did an excellent job of developing the record efficiently. The record in the case consists of Joint Exhibits 1 through 6; Claimant’s Exhibits 7 through 11; and Defense Exhibits A through C; as well the sworn testimony of claimant. Suzanne Sogard served as the court reporter. The parties argued this case and the matter was fully submitted on September 27, 2018.          ISSUES AND STIPULATIONS          The parties have stipulated as to an employer-employee relationship at the time of the alleged injury. It is stipulated the claimant suffered two injuries to his left shoulder which arose out of and in the course of his employment. The first occurred on November 15, 2015. The second occurred on January 25, 2016. Defendants have admitted the January 25, 2016 injury is a temporary and permanent disability. Defendants deny that the November 15, 2015, injury is a cause of any disability. The defendants accepted the January 25, 2016, claim and paid 4.9785 weeks of industrial disability. Defendants deny claimant is entitled to any disability benefits for the November 15, 2015, claim. Claimant is seeking industrial disability benefits for both claims. The parties dispute the commencement date for both injuries. For both claims the elements comprising the rate of compensation is stipulated and affirmative defenses are waived. Medical expenses are not disputed.          FINDINGS OF FACT          Richard “Rick” Trevillyan, II, was 32 years old as of the date of hearing. Mr. Trevillyan testified live and under oath at hearing. I find his testimony to be generally credible. His testimony is generally consistent with the other records in evidence. There was nothing about his demeanor which caused the undersigned any concern for his truthfulness.          Mr. Trevillyan graduated from Walnut Creek High School in 2004 and attended Southwest Iowa Community College, but did not receive a degree. In October 2014, he began working for Marsden Holding, which is also known as American Security. He worked full-time as a security officer. The work assignments varied; however, generally it was not considered heavy labor.          On November 15, 2015, Mr. Trevillyan suffered the first of his two work-related accidents. On that date, he was in an auto accident in a company vehicle. He struck a deer, totaling the car he was driving. He reported the accident and sought care at Mercy Medical Center. He was treated at Mercy for left shoulder and back pain and instructed to follow up with his primary care physician. (Joint Exhibit 1, pages 2-3) He followed up with Thomas Luft, D.O., on December 8, 2015. Dr. Luft recorded the following history.
the patient presents after an accident approximately a month ago in which he was the driver of his work vehicle and hit a deer on the passenger side he was going approximately 55 miles an hour he had his left hand on the steering wheel and the car did come to a sudden stop with hitting a deer he noted that his shoulder and neck hurt as well as upper and mid back it continued to hurt he [sic] seen in urgent care and was not given much information on weight direction of this. It is bothersome for him daily and doesn’t [sic] are clear with activities of daily living as well as he plays the bass guitar he hasn’t been able to play if secondary to weakness pain and some numbness.
(Jt. Ex. 2, p. 7) Dr. Luft was concerned about a possible rotator cuff...

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