Tucker v. Maxim Health Indemnity Ins Co of N America (INA INS), 031921 VAWC, VA00001734891

Case DateMarch 19, 2021
Jurisdiction Claim No. VA00001734891
Claim Administrator File No. C166C2002891
Virginia Workers’ Compensation
Virginia In The Workers’ Compensation Commission
March 19, 2021
          Date of Injury May 29, 2020           Jennifer G. Capocelli, Esquire For the Claimant.           Bryan Kirchner, Esquire For the Defendants.           REVIEW on the record by Commissioner Marshall, Commissioner Newman, and Commissioner Rapaport at Richmond, Virginia.           OPINION           MARSHALL Commissioner          The defendants request review of the award of temporary total disability from July 17, 2020 through August 31, 2020 in an October 28, 2020 Opinion. We AFFIRM.          I. Material Proceedings          A June 10, 2020 claim alleged an injury by accident to the left wrist on May 29, 2020. The claimant requested a medical award and compensation for periods of temporary total and temporary partial disability.          The defendants denied the claimant sustained a compensable injury by accident arising out of and in the course of her employment. They asserted she was not disabled or impaired to the extent alleged and denied the medical records supported the claimed periods of disability. They defended that the claimant failed to market her residual work capacity while released to light duty.          The Deputy Commissioner found the claimant, a travel nurse, sustained a compensable injury arising out of and in the course of her employment. On May 29, 2020, the claimant performed the Heimlich maneuver on a large patient for twelve to fifteen minutes. She spent approximately five minutes in a standing position and an additional ten minutes while seated and supporting his weight with her arm. The Deputy Commissioner held the evidence supported muscular and nerve contusions to the left forearm and wrist, a wrist sprain and radiating symptoms into the fingers of the left hand and up to the left elbow.          The Deputy Commissioner awarded temporary partial disability for May 30, 2020 through June 7, 2020, a period of light duty work for the employer. Although a July 10, 2020 medical note released the claimant to regular duty, the Deputy Commissioner noted “the claimant’s testimony clarified that that was on a trial basis, but that her physical therapy assessment revealed nerve issues that were concerning.” (Op. 8.) She found the medical evidence and the claimant’s consistent testimony supported temporary total disability from July 17, 2020 through August 31, 2020.          The...

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